2020-08-17 19:16:42 -04:00

64 lines
2.2 KiB
Executable File

if ($com=="" && !$comment && $op!="fleedragon") {
if (module_events("inn", getsetting("innchance", 0)) != 0) {
if (checknavs()) {
} else {
$skipinndesc = true;
$session['user']['specialinc'] = "";
$session['user']['specialmisc'] = "";
$op = "";
httpset("op", "");
addnav("Things to do");
$args = modulehook("blockcommentarea", array("section"=>"inn"));
if (!isset($args['block']) || $args['block'] != 'yes') {
addnav("Converse with patrons","inn.php?op=converse");
addnav(array("B?Talk to %s`0 the Barkeep",$barkeep),"inn.php?op=bartender");
addnav("Get a room (log out)","inn.php?op=room");
if (!$skipinndesc) {
if ($op=="strolldown"){
output("You stroll down the stairs of the inn, once again ready for adventure!`n");
} elseif ($op=="fleedragon") {
output("You pelt into the inn as if the Devil himself is at your heels. Slowly you catch your breath and look around.`n");
output("%s`0 catches your eye and then looks away in disgust at your cowardice!`n`n",$partner);
output("You `\$lose`0 a charm point.`n`n");
if ($session['user']['charm'] > 0) $session['user']['charm']--;
} else {
output("You duck into a dim tavern that you know well.");
output("The pungent aroma of pipe tobacco fills the air.`n");
output("You wave to several patrons that you know.");
if ($session['user']['sex']) {
output("You give a special wave and wink to %s`0 who is tuning his harp by the fire.",$partner);
} else {
output("You give a special wave and wink to %s`0 who is serving drinks to some locals.",$partner);
output("%s`0 the innkeep stands behind his counter, chatting with someone.",$barkeep);
$chats = array(
translate_inline(getsetting("bard", "`^Seth")),
translate_inline(getsetting("barmaid", "`%Violet")),
translate_inline("fine drinks"),
$chats = modulehook("innchatter", $chats);
$talk = $chats[e_rand(0, count($chats)-1)];
output("You can't quite make out what he is saying, but it's something about %s`0.`n`n", $talk);
output("The clock on the mantle reads `6%s`0.`n", getgametime());
modulehook("inn-desc", array());
modulehook("inn", array());
module_display_events("inn", "inn.php");