2020-08-17 19:16:42 -04:00

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Executable File

//addnews ready
// mail ready
// translator ready
* Version: 0.6
* Date: July 31, 2003
* Author: John J. Collins
* Email: collinsj@yahoo.com
* Purpose: Provide a fun module to Legend of the Green Dragon
* Program Flow: The player can choose to use the Private or Public Toilet.
* It costs Gold to use the Private Toilet. The Public Toilet is free. After
* using one of the toilet's, the play can was their hands or return. If
* they choose to wash their hands, there is a chance that they can get
* their gold back. If they don't choose to wash their hands, there is a
* chance that they will lose some gold. If they loose gold there is an
* entry added to the daily news.
* Modifications:
* Date: Mar 3, 2004
* Author: Eric Stevens aka MightyE
* Email: logd -at- mightye -dot- org
* Mods: Reflowed to sit in moduling system.
function outhouse_getmoduleinfo(){
$info = array(
"name"=>"Gnomish Outhouse",
"author"=>"John Collins",
"Gnomish Outhouse User Preferences,title",
"usedouthouse"=>"Used Outhouse Today,bool|0"
"Gnomish Outhouse Settings,title",
"cost"=>"Cost to use the private outhouse,range,1,20,1|5",
"goldinhand"=>"How much gold must user have in hand before they can lose money,range,0,10,1|1",
"giveback"=>"How much gold to give back if the player is rewarded for washing their hands,range,0,20,1|3",
"takeback"=>"How much gold to take if the user is punished for not washing their hands,range,0,20,1|1",
"goodmusthit"=>"Percent of time you get your money back if you wash,range,0,100,1|60",
"badmusthit"=>"Percent of time you lose money if you don't wash,range,0,100,1|50",
"givegempercent"=>"Percent chance of getting a gem if you wash,range,0,100,1|25",
"giveturnchance"=>"Percent chance of a free forest fight if you wash,range,0,100,1|0"
return $info;
function outhouse_install(){
global $session;
debug("Adding Hooks");
$sql = "DESCRIBE " . db_prefix("accounts");
$result = db_query($sql);
while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($result)){
if ($row['Field']=="usedouthouse"){
$sql = "SELECT usedouthouse,acctid FROM " . db_prefix("accounts") . " WHERE usedouthouse>0";
$result1 = db_query($sql);
debug("Migrating outhouse usage.`n");
while ($row1 = db_fetch_assoc($result1)){
$sql = "INSERT INTO " . db_prefix("module_userprefs") . " (modulename,setting,userid,value) VALUES ('outhouse','usedouthouse',{$row1['acctid']},{$row1['usedouthouse']})";
}//end while
debug("Dropping usedouthouse column from the user table.`n");
$sql = "ALTER TABLE " . db_prefix("accounts") . " DROP usedouthouse";
//drop it from the user's session too.
}//end if
}//end while
return true;
function outhouse_uninstall(){
output("Uninstalling this module.`n");
return true;
function outhouse_dohook($hookname, $args){
if ($hookname=="forest"){
addnav("O?The Outhouse","runmodule.php?module=outhouse");
}elseif ($hookname=="newday"){
return $args;
function outhouse_run(){
global $session;
$cost = get_module_setting("cost");
$goldinhand = get_module_setting("goldinhand");
$giveback = get_module_setting("giveback");
$takeback = get_module_setting("takeback");
$goodmusthit = get_module_setting("goodmusthit");
$badmusthit = get_module_setting("badmusthit");
$givegempercent = get_module_setting("givegempercent");
$giveturnchance= get_module_setting("giveturnchance");
$returnto = get_module_setting("returnto");
// Does the player have enough gold to use the Private Toilet?
if ($session['user']['gold'] >= $cost)
$canpay = true;
$op = httpget('op');
if ($op == "pay"){
if (!$canpay) {
page_header("Private Toilet");
output("`7You reach into your pocket and find that your gold has vanished!");
output("Dejected, you return to the forest.");
page_header("Private Toilet");
//$session['user']['usedouthouse'] = 1;
output("`7You pay your %s gold to the Toilet Gnome for the privilege of using the paid outhouse.`n", $cost);
output("This is the cleanest outhouse in the land!`n");
output("The Toilet Paper Gnome tells you if you need anything, just ask.`n");
if ($session['user']['sex']) {
output("She politely turns her back to you and finishes cleaning the wash stand.`n");
} else {
output("He politely turns his back to you and finishes cleaning the wash stand.`n");
$session['user']['gold'] -= $cost;
debuglog("spent $cost gold to use the outhouse");
addnav("Wash your hands", "runmodule.php?module=outhouse&op=washpay");
addnav("Leave", "runmodule.php?module=outhouse&op=nowash");
}elseif ($op == "free"){
page_header("Public Toilet!");
output("`2The smell is so strong your eyes tear up and your nose hair curls!`n");
output("After blowing his nose with it, the Toilet Paper Gnome gives you 1 sheet of single-ply TP to use.`n");
output("After looking at the stuff covering his hands, you think you might not want to use it.`n`n");
output("While %s over the big hole in the middle of the room with the TP Gnome observing you closely, you almost slip in.`n", translate_inline($session['user']['sex']?"squatting":"standing"));
output("You go ahead and take care of business as fast as you can; you can only hold your breath so long.`n");
addnav("Wash your hands", "runmodule.php?module=outhouse&op=washfree");
addnav("Leave", "runmodule.php?module=outhouse&op=nowash");
}elseif ($op == "washpay"|| $op == "washfree"){
page_header("Wash Stand");
output("`2Washing your hands is always a good thing. You tidy up, straighten your %s in your reflection in the water, and head on your way.`0`n", $session['user']['armor']);
$goodhabits = e_rand(1, 100);
if ($goodhabits <= $goodmusthit && $op=="washpay"){
output("`^The Wash Room Fairy blesses you!`n");
output("`7You receive `^%s`7 gold for being sanitary and clean!`0`n", $giveback);
$session['user']['gold'] += $giveback;
debuglog("got $giveback gold in the outhouse for washing");
$givegemtemp = e_rand(1, 100);
if ($givegemtemp <= $givegempercent){
debuglog("gained 1 gem in the outhouse");
output("`&Aren't you the lucky one to find a `%gem`& there by the doorway!`0`n");
$giveturntemp = e_rand(1, 100);
if ($giveturntemp <= $giveturnchance) {
output("`&You gained a turn!`0`n");
}elseif ($goodhabits <= $goodmusthit && $op == "washfree"){
if (e_rand(1, 3)==1) {
output("`&You notice a small bag containing `^%s`7 gold that someone left by the washstand.`0", $giveback);
$session['user']['gold'] += $giveback;
debuglog("got $giveback gold in the outhouse for washing");
$args = array(
'sobermsg'=>"`&Leaving the outhouse, you feel a little more sober.`n",
modulehook("soberup", $args);
}elseif (($op == "nowash")){
page_header("Stinky Hands");
output("`2Your hands are soiled and real stinky!`n");
output("Didn't your mother teach you any better?`n");
$takeaway = e_rand(1, 100);
if ($takeaway >= $badmusthit){
if ($session['user']['gold'] >= $goldinhand){
$session['user']['gold'] -= $takeback;
debuglog("lost $takeback gold in the outhouse for not washing");
output("`nThe Toilet Paper Gnome has thrown you to the slimy, filthy floor and extracted `\$%s gold`2 %s from you due to your slovenliness!`n", $takeback, translate_inline($takeback ==1?"piece":"pieces"));
output("Aren't you glad an embarrassing moment like this isn't in the news?`n");
if ($session['user']['sex']) {
$msg = "`2Always cool, %s`2 was seen walking around with a long string of toilet paper stuck to her foot.`n";
} else {
$msg = "`2Always cool, %s`2 was seen walking around with a long string of toilet paper stuck to his foot.`n";
addnews($msg, $session['user']['name']);
page_header("The Outhouses");
output("`2The nearby village has two outhouses, which it keeps way out here in the forest because of the warding effect of their smell on creatures.`n`n");
if (get_module_pref("usedouthouse")==0){
output("In typical caste style, there is a privileged outhouse, and an underprivileged outhouse.");
output("The choice is yours!`0`n`n");
if ($canpay){
addnav(array("Private Toilet: (%s gold)", $cost),
output("`2The Private Toilet costs `^%s`2 gold.", $cost);
output("Looks like you are going to have to hold it or use the Public Toilet!");
addnav("Public Toilet: (free)", "runmodule.php?module=outhouse&op=free");
addnav("Hold it", "forest.php");
case 1:
output("The Outhouses are closed for repairs.`n");
output("You will have to hold it till tomorrow!");
case 2:
output("As you draw close to the Outhouses, you realize that you simply don't think you can bear the smell of another visit to the Outhouses today.");
case 3:
output("You really don't have anything left to relieve today!");
output("`n`n`7You return to the forest.`0");