2020-08-17 19:16:42 -04:00

119 lines
4.8 KiB
Executable File

// addnews ready
// mail ready
// translator ready
function game_dice_getmoduleinfo(){
$info = array(
"name"=>"Dice Game for DarkHorse",
"author"=>"Eric Stevens",
"category"=>"Darkhorse Game",
return $info;
function game_dice_install(){
global $session;
debug("Adding Hooks");
return true;
function game_dice_uninstall(){
output("Uninstalling this module.`n");
return true;
function game_dice_dohook($hookname, $args){
if ($hookname=="darkhorsegame"){
$ret = urlencode($args['return']);
addnav("D?Play Dice Game",
return $args;
function game_dice_run(){
global $session;
$ret = urlencode(httpget("ret"));
page_header("A Game of Dice");
if ($session['user']['gold']>0){
$bet = abs((int)httpget('bet') + (int)httppost('bet'));
if ($bet<=0){
addnav("Never mind", appendlink(urldecode($ret), "op=oldman"));
output("`3\"`!You get to roll a die, and choose to keep or pass on the roll. If you pass, you get up to two more chances to roll, for a total of three rolls. Once you keep your roll (or on the third roll), I will do the same. In the end, if my die is higher than yours, I win, if yours is higher, you win, and if they are a tie, neither of us wins, and we each keep our bet.`3\"`n`n");
output("`3\"`!How much would you bet young %s?`3\"", translate_inline($session['user']['sex']?"lady":"man"));
rawoutput("<form action='runmodule.php?module=game_dice&ret=$ret' method='POST'>");
rawoutput("<input name='bet' id='bet'>");
$b = translate_inline("Bet");
rawoutput("<input type='submit' class='button' value='$b'>");
rawoutput("<script language='JavaScript'>document.getElementById('bet').focus();</script>");
}else if($bet>$session['user']['gold']){
output("`3The old man reaches out with his stick and pokes your coin purse.");
output("\"`!I don't believe you have `^%s`! gold!`3\" he declares.`n`n", $bet);
output("Desperate to really show him good, you open up your purse and spill out its contents: `^%s`3 gold.`n`n", $session['user']['gold']);
output("Embarrassed, you think you'll head back to the tavern.");
addnav("Return to the Main Room",appendlink(urldecode($ret), "op=tavern"));
} else {
$what = httpget('what');
if ($what!="keep"){
switch ($try) {
case 1: $die = "first"; break;
case 2: $die = "second"; break;
default: $die = "third"; break;
$die = translate_inline($die);
output("You roll your %s die, and it comes up as `b%s`b`n`n", $die, $session['user']['specialmisc']);
output("`3You have bet `^%s`3.", $bet);
output("What do you do?");
if ($try<3)
output("Your final roll was `b%s`b, the old man will now try to beat it:`n`n", $session['user']['specialmisc']);
$r = e_rand(1,6);
output("The old man rolls a %s...`n", $r);
if ($r>$session['user']['specialmisc'] || $r==6){
output("\"`7I think I'll stick with that roll!`0\" he says.`n");
$r = e_rand(1,6);
output("The old man rolls again and gets a %s...`n", $r);
if ($r>=$session['user']['specialmisc']){
output("\"`7I think I'll stick with that roll!`0\" he says.`n");
$r = e_rand(1,6);
output("The old man rolls his final roll and gets a %s...`n", $r);
if ($r>$session['user']['specialmisc']){
output("`n\"`7Yeehaw, I knew the likes of you would never stand up to the likes of me!`0\" exclaims the old man as you hand him your `^%s`0 gold.", $bet);
debuglog("lost $bet gold at dice");
}elseif ($r==$session['user']['specialmisc']){
output("`n\"`7Yah... well, looks as though we tied.`0\" he says.");
output("`n\"`7Aaarrgh!!! How could the likes of you beat me?!?!?`0\" shouts the old man as he gives you the gold he owes.");
debuglog("won $bet gold at dice");
addnav("Play again?","runmodule.php?module=game_dice&ret=$ret");
addnav("Other Games",appendlink(urldecode($ret), "op=oldman"));
addnav("Return to the Main Room", appendlink(urldecode($ret), "op=tavern"));
output("`3The old man reaches out with his stick and pokes your coin purse. \"`!Empty?!?! How can you bet with no money??`3\" he shouts.");
output("With that, he turns back to his dice, apparently having already forgotten his anger.");
addnav("Return to the Main Room", appendlink(urldecode($ret), "op=tavern"));