2020-08-17 19:16:42 -04:00

561 lines
20 KiB
Executable File

// addnews ready
// mail ready
// translation ready
* Outputs a list of all enemies and the player.
* @param array $enemies The enemies to be displayed.
function show_enemies($enemies) {
global $enemycounter, $session;
foreach ($enemies as $index => $badguy) {
if ((isset($badguy['istarget']) && $badguy['istarget'] == true) && $enemycounter > 1)
$ccode = "`#";
$ccode = "`2";
if (isset($badguy['hidehitpoints']) && $badguy['hidehitpoints'] == true) {
$health = "???";
} else {
$health = $badguy['creaturehealth'];
if ($session['user']['alive']){
output("%s%s%s%s's Hitpoints%s (Level %s): `6%s`0`n",$ccode,(isset($badguy['istarget'])&&$badguy['istarget']&&$enemycounter>1)?"*":"", $badguy['creaturename'],$ccode,$ccode, $badguy['creaturelevel'],$badguy['creaturehealth']>0?$health:translate_inline("`7DEAD`0"));
output("`2%s`2's Soulpoints: `6%s`0`n",$badguy['creaturename'],$badguy['creaturehealth']>0?$health:translate_inline("`7DEFEATED`0"));
if ($session['user']['alive']){
output("`2YOUR Hitpoints: `6%s`0`n",$session['user']['hitpoints']);
output("`2YOUR Soulpoints: `6%s`0`n",$session['user']['hitpoints']);
* This function prepares the fight, sets up options and gives hook a hook to change options on a per-player basis.
* @param array $options The options given by a module or basics.
* @return array The complete options.
function prepare_fight($options=false) {
global $companions;
$basicoptions = array(
"maxattacks"=>getsetting("maxattacks", 4),
if (!is_array($options)) {
$options = array();
$fightoptions = $options + $basicoptions;
$fightoptions = modulehook("fightoptions", $fightoptions);
// We'll also reset the companions here...
return $fightoptions;
* This functions prepares companions to be able to take part in a fight. Uses global copies.
function prepare_companions() {
global $companions;
$newcompanions = array();
if (is_array($companions)) {
foreach ($companions as $name => $companion) {
if (!isset($companion['suspended']) || $companion['suspended'] == false) {
$companion['used'] = false;
$newcompanions[$name] = $companion;
$companions = $newcompanions;
* Suspends companions on a given parameter.
* @param string $susp The type of suspension
* @param mixed $nomsg The message to be displayed upon suspending. If false, no message will be displayed.
function suspend_companions($susp, $nomsg=false) {
global $companions;
$newcompanions = array();
$suspended = false;
if (is_array($companions)) {
foreach ($companions as $name => $companion) {
if ($susp) {
if (isset($companion[$susp]) && $companion[$susp] == true) {
} else {
if (isset($companion['suspended']) && $companion['suspended'] == true){
} else {
$suspended = true;
$companion['suspended'] = true;
$newcompanions[$name] = $companion;
if ($suspended) {
$schema = false;
if ($nomsg === false) {
$schema = "battle";
$nomsg = "`&Your companions stand back during this fight!`n";
if ($nomsg !== true){
if ($schema) tlschema($schema);
if ($schema) tlschema();
$companions = $newcompanions;
* Enables suspended companions.
* @param string $susp The type of suspension
* @param mixed $nomsg The message to be displayed upon unsuspending. If false, no message will be displayed.
function unsuspend_companions($susp, $nomsg=false) {
global $companions;
$notify = false;
$newcompanions = array();
if (is_array($companions)) {
foreach ($companions as $name => $companion) {
if (isset($companion['suspended']) && $companion['suspended'] == true) {
$notify = true;
$companion['suspended'] = false;
$newcompanions[$name] = $companion;
if ($notify) {
$schema = false;
if ($nomsg === false) {
$schema = "battle";
$nomsg = "`&Your companions return to stand by your side!`n";
if ($nomsg !== true){
if ($schema) tlschema($schema);
if ($schema) tlschema();
$companions = $newcompanions;
* Automatically chooses the first still living enemy as target for attacks.
* @param array $localenemies The stack of enemies to find a valid one from.
* @return array $localenemies The stack with changed targetting.
function autosettarget($localenemies) {
$targetted = 0;
if (is_array($localenemies)) {
foreach ($localenemies as $index=>$badguy) {
$localenemies[$index] += array("dead"=>false, "istarget"=>false); // This line will add these two indices if they haven't been set.
if (count($localenemies) == 1)
$localenemies[$index]['istarget'] = true;
if ($localenemies[$index]['istarget'] == true && $localenemies[$index]['dead'] == false)
if (!$targetted && is_array($localenemies)) {
foreach ($localenemies as $index=>$badguy) {
if ($localenemies[$index]['dead'] == false && (!isset($badguy['cannotbetarget']) || $badguy['cannotbetarget'] === false)) {
$localenemies[$index]['istarget'] = true;
$targetted = true;
} else {
return $localenemies;
* Based upon the type of the companion different actions are performed and the companion is marked as "used" after that.
* @param array $companion The companion itself
* @param string $activate The stage of activation. Can be one of these: "fight", "defend", "heal" or "magic".
* @return array The changed companion
function report_companion_move($companion, $activate="fight") {
global $badguy,$session,$creatureattack,$creatureatkmod,$adjustment;
global $creaturedefmod,$defmod,$atkmod,$atk,$def,$count,$defended,$needtosstopfighting;
if (isset($companion['suspended']) && $companion['suspended'] == true) {
return $companion;
if ($activate == "fight" && isset($companion['abilities']['fight']) && $companion['abilities']['fight'] == true && $companion['used'] == false) {
$roll = rollcompaniondamage($companion);
$damage_done = $roll['creaturedmg'];
$damage_received = $roll['selfdmg'];
if ($damage_done==0){
output("`^%s`4 tries to hit %s but `\$MISSES!`n",$companion['name'],$badguy['creaturename']);
}else if ($damage_done<0){
output("`^%s`4 tries to hit %s but %s `\$RIPOSTES`4 for `^%s`4 points of damage!`n",$companion['name'],$badguy['creaturename'], $badguy['creaturename'], abs($damage_done));
output("`^%s`4 hits %s for `^%s`4 points of damage!`n",$companion['name'],$badguy['creaturename'],$damage_done);
if ($badguy['creaturehealth'] >= 0) {
if ($damage_received==0){
output("`^%s`4 tries to hit `\$%s`4 but `^MISSES!`n",$badguy['creaturename'], $companion['name']);
}else if ($damage_received<0){
output("`^%s`4 tries to hit `\$%s`4 but %s `^RIPOSTES`4 for `^%s`4 points of damage!`n",$badguy['creaturename'], $companion['name'], $companion['name'], abs($damage_received));
output("`^%s`4 hits `\$%s`4 for `\$%s`4 points of damage!`n",$badguy['creaturename'],$companion['name'],$damage_received);
$companion['used'] = true;
} else if ($activate == "heal" && isset($companion['abilities']['heal']) && $companion['abilities']['heal'] == true && $companion['used'] == false) {
// This one will be tricky! We are looking for the first target which can be healed. This can be the player himself
// or any other companion or our fellow companion himself.
// But if our little friend is the second companion, all other companions will have been copied to the newenemies
// array already ...
if ($session['user']['hitpoints'] < $session['user']['maxhitpoints']) {
$hptoheal = min($companion['abilities']['heal'], $session['user']['maxhitpoints'] - $session['user']['hitpoints']);
$session['user']['hitpoints'] += $hptoheal;
$companion['used'] = true;
$msg = $companion['healmsg'];
if ($msg == "") $msg = "{companion} heals your wounds. You regenerate {damage} hitpoints.";
$msg = substitute_array("`)".$msg."`0`n", array("{companion}","{damage}"),array($companion['name'],$hptoheal));
} else {
// Okay. We really have to do this :(
global $newcompanions;
$mynewcompanions = $newcompanions;
if (!is_array($mynewcompanions)) $mynewcompanions = array();
$healed = false;
foreach ($mynewcompanions as $myname => $mycompanion) {
if ($mycompanion['hitpoints'] >= $mycompanion['maxhitpoints'] || $healed || (isset($companion['cannotbehealed']) && $companion['cannotbehealed'] == true)) {
} else {
$hptoheal = min($companion['abilities']['heal'], $mycompanion['maxhitpoints'] - $mycompanion['hitpoints']);
$mycompanion['hitpoints'] += $hptoheal;
$companion['used'] = true;
$msg = $companion['healcompanionmsg'];
if ($msg == "") $msg = "{companion} heals {target}'s wounds. {target} regenerates {damage} hitpoints.";
$msg = substitute_array("`)".$msg."`0`n", array("{companion}","{damage}","{target}"),array($companion['name'],$hptoheal,$mycompanion['name']));
$healed = true;
$newcompanions[$myname] = $mycompanion;
if (!$healed) {
global $companions,$name;
$mycompanions = $companions;
$foundmyself = false;
foreach ($mycompanions as $myname => $mycompanion) {
if (!$foundmyself || (isset($companion['cannotbehealed']) && $companion['cannotbehealed'] == true)) {
if ($myname == $name) {
$foundmyself = true;
} else {
//There's someone hiding behind us...
foreach ($mycompanions as $myname => $mycompanion) {
if ($mycompanion['hitpoints'] >= $mycompanion['maxhitpoints'] || $healed) {
} else {
$hptoheal = min($companion['abilities']['heal'], $mycompanion['maxhitpoints'] - $mycompanion['hitpoints']);
$mycompanion['hitpoints'] += $hptoheal;
$companion['used'] = true;
$msg = $companion['healcompanionmsg'];
if ($msg == "") $msg = "{companion} heals {target}'s wounds. {target} regenerates {damage} hitpoints.";
$msg = substitute_array("`)".$msg."`0`n", array("{companion}","{damage}","{target}"),array($companion['name'],$hptoheal,$mycompanion['name']));
$healed = true;
$companions[$myname] = $mycompanion;
} // else // These
} // foreach // are
} // else // some
} // foreach // totally
} // if // senseless
} // else // comments.
$roll = rollcompaniondamage($companion);
$damage_done = $roll['creaturedmg'];
$damage_received = $roll['selfdmg'];
if ($badguy['creaturehealth'] >= 0) {
if ($damage_received==0){
output("`^%s`4 tries to hit `\$%s`4 but `^MISSES!`n",$badguy['creaturename'], $companion['name']);
}else if ($damage_received<0){
output("`^%s`4 tries to hit `\$%s`4 but %s `^RIPOSTES`4 for `^%s`4 points of damage!`n",$badguy['creaturename'], $companion['name'], $companion['name'], abs($damage_received));
output("`^%s`4 hits `\$%s`4 for `\$%s`4 points of damage!`n",$badguy['creaturename'],$companion['name'],$damage_received);
$companion['used'] = true;
} else if ($activate == "defend" && isset($companion['abilities']['defend']) && $companion['abilities']['defend'] == true && $defended == false && $companion['used'] == false) {
$defended = 1;
$roll = rollcompaniondamage($companion);
$damage_done = $roll['creaturedmg'];
$damage_received = $roll['selfdmg'];
if ($damage_done==0){
output("`^%s`4 tries to hit %s but `^MISSES!`n",$companion['name'],$badguy['creaturename']);
}else if ($damage_done<0){
output("`^%s`4 tries to hit %s but %s `^RIPOSTES`4 for `^%s`4 points of damage!`n",$companion['name'],$badguy['creaturename'], $badguy['creaturename'], abs($damage_done));
output("`^%s`4 hits %s for `\$%s`4 points of damage!`n",$companion['name'],$badguy['creaturename'],$damage_done);
if ($badguy['creaturehealth'] >= 0) {
if ($damage_received==0){
output("`^%s`4 tries to hit `\$%s`4 but `^MISSES!`n",$badguy['creaturename'], $companion['name']);
}else if ($damage_received<0){
output("`^%s`4 tries to hit `\$%s`4 but %s `^RIPOSTES`4 for `^%s`4 points of damage!`n",$badguy['creaturename'], $companion['name'], $companion['name'], abs($damage_received));
output("`^%s`4 hits `\$%s`4 for `\$%s`4 points of damage!`n",$badguy['creaturename'],$companion['name'],$damage_received);
$companion['used'] = true;
} else if ($activate == "magic" && isset($companion['abilities']['magic']) && $companion['abilities']['magic'] == true && $companion['used'] == false) {
$roll = rollcompaniondamage($companion);
$damage_done = abs($roll['creaturedmg']);
if ($damage_done==0){
$msg = $companion['magicfailmsg'];
if ($msg == "") $msg = "{companion} shoots a magical arrow at {badguy} but misses.";
$msg = substitute_array("`)".$msg."`0`n", array("{companion}"), array($companion['name']));
if (isset($companion['magicmsg'])) {
$msg = $companion['magicmsg'];
} else {
$msg = "{companion} shoots a magical arrow at {badguy} and deals {damage} damage.";
$msg = substitute_array("`)".$msg."`0`n", array("{companion}","{damage}"), array($companion['name'],$damage_done));
$companion['hitpoints'] -= $companion['abilities']['magic'];
$companion['used'] = true;
if ($badguy['creaturehealth'] <= 0) {
$badguy['dead'] = true;
$badguy['istarget'] = false;
$count = 1;
$needtosstopfighting = true;
if ($companion['hitpoints'] <= 0) {
if (isset($companion['dyingtext']) && $companion['dyingtext']>"") {
$msg = $companion['dyingtext'];
} else {
$msg = "`5Your companion catches his last breath before it dies.";
if (isset($companion['cannotdie']) && $companion['cannotdie'] == true) {
$companion['hitpoints'] = 0;
return false;
return $companion;
* Based upon the companion's stats damage values are calculated.
* @param array $companion
* @return array
function rollcompaniondamage($companion){
global $badguy,$creatureattack,$creatureatkmod,$adjustment,$options;
global $creaturedefmod,$compdefmod,$compatkmod,$buffset,$atk,$def;
if ($badguy['creaturehealth']>0 && $companion['hitpoints']>0){
if ($options['type']=='pvp') {
$adjustedcreaturedefense = $badguy['creaturedefense'];
} else {
$adjustedcreaturedefense =
($creaturedefmod*$badguy['creaturedefense'] /
$creatureattack = $badguy['creatureattack']*$creatureatkmod;
$adjustedselfdefense = ($companion['defense'] * $adjustment * $compdefmod);
debug("Base creature defense: " . $badguy['creaturedefense']);
debug("Creature defense mod: $creaturedefmod");
debug("Adjustment: $adjustment");
debug("Adjusted creature defense: $adjustedcreaturedefense");
debug("Adjusted creature attack: $creatureattack");
debug("Adjusted self defense: $adjustedselfdefense");
while(!isset($creaturedmg) || !isset($selfdmg) || $creaturedmg==0 && $selfdmg==0){
$atk = $companion['attack']*$compatkmod;
if (e_rand(1,20)==1 && $options['type'] != "pvp") $atk*=3;
debug("Attack score: $atk");
$patkroll = bell_rand(0,$atk);
debug("Player Attack roll: $patkroll");
// Set up for crit detection
$atk = $patkroll;
$catkroll = bell_rand(0,$adjustedcreaturedefense);
debug("Creature defense roll: $catkroll");
$creaturedmg = 0-(int)($catkroll - $patkroll);
if ($creaturedmg<0) {
$creaturedmg = (int)($creaturedmg/2);
$creaturedmg = round($buffset['badguydmgmod'] * $creaturedmg, 0);
if ($creaturedmg > 0) {
$creaturedmg = round($buffset['compdmgmod']*$creaturedmg,0);
$pdefroll = bell_rand(0,$adjustedselfdefense);
$catkroll = bell_rand(0,$creatureattack);
debug("Creature attack roll: $catkroll");
debug("Player defense roll: $pdefroll");
$selfdmg = 0-(int)($pdefroll - $catkroll);
if ($selfdmg<0) {
$selfdmg = round($selfdmg*$buffset['compdmgmod'], 0);
if ($selfdmg > 0) {
$selfdmg = round($selfdmg*$buffset['badguydmgmod'], 0);
// Handle god mode's invulnerability
if ($buffset['invulnerable']) {
$creaturedmg = abs($creaturedmg);
$selfdmg = -abs($selfdmg);
return array("creaturedmg"=>(isset($creaturedmg)?$creaturedmg:0),"selfdmg"=>(isset($selfdmg)?$selfdmg:0));
* Adds a new creature to the badguy array.
* @param mixed $creature A standard badguy array. If numeric, the corresponding badguy will be loaded from the database.
function battle_spawn($creature) {
global $enemies, $newenemies, $badguy,$nextindex;
if (!isset($nextindex)) {
$nextindex = count($enemies);
} else {
if(is_numeric($creature)) {
$sql = "SELECT * FROM " . db_prefix("creatures") . " WHERE creatureid = $creature LIMIT 1";
$result = db_query($sql);
if ($row = db_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$newenemies[$nextindex] = $row;
output("`^%s`2 summons `^%s`2 for help!`n", $badguy['creaturename'], $row['creaturename']);
} else if(is_array($creature)){
$newenemies[$nextindex] = $creature;
* Allows creatures to heal themselves or another badguy.
* @param int $amount Amount of helath to be restored
* @param mixed $target If false badguy will heal itself otherwise the enemy with this index.
function battle_heal($amount, $target=false) {
global $newenemies, $enemies, $badguy;
if ($amount > 0) {
if ($target === false) {
output("`^%s`2 heals itself for `^%s`2 hitpoints.", $badguy['creaturename'], $amount);
} else {
if (isset($newenemies[$target])) {
// Target had its turn already...
if ($newenemies[$target]['dead'] == false) {
$newenemies[$target]['creaturehealth'] += $amount;
output("`^%s`2 heal `^%s`2 for `^%s`2 hitpoints.", $badguy['creaturename'], $newenemies[$target]['creaturename'], $amount);
if ($enemies[$target]['dead'] == false) {
$enemies[$target]['creaturehealth'] += $amount;
output("`^%s`2 heal `^%s`2 for `^%s`2 hitpoints.", $badguy['creaturename'], $enemies[$target]['creaturename'], $amount);
* Executes the given script or loads the script and then executes it.
* @param mixed $script If numeric the corresponding script will be loaded from the database, otherwise the script to be executed.
function execute_ai_script($script) {
global $unsetme;
if (is_numeric($script)) {
$script = load_ai_script($script);
if ($script > "") {
* Returns an A.I. Script form the database
* @param int $spriptid The id for the script
* @return string The script itself. An empty string is returned, if script is found.
function load_ai_script($scriptid) {
if ($scriptid == 0) {
return "";
} else {
$sql = "SELECT script FROM ".db_prefix("ai")." WHERE scriptid = $scriptid";
$result = db_query($sql);
$row = db_fetch_assoc($result);
return $row['script'];