2020-08-17 19:16:42 -04:00

88 lines
3.4 KiB
Executable File

// mail ready
// addnews ready
// translator ready
function foilwench_getmoduleinfo(){
$info = array(
"author"=>"Eric Stevens",
"category"=>"Forest Specials",
return $info;
function foilwench_install(){
module_addeventhook("forest", "return 100;");
return true;
function foilwench_uninstall(){
return true;
function foilwench_dohook($hookname,$args){
return $args;
function foilwench_runevent($type)
global $session;
// We assume this event only shows up in the forest currently.
$from = "forest.php?";
$session['user']['specialinc'] = "module:foilwench";
$colors = array(""=>"`7");
$colors = modulehook("specialtycolor", $colors);
$c = $colors[$session['user']['specialty']];
if (!$c) $c = "`7";
if ($session['user']['specialty'] == "") {
output("You have no direction in the world, you should rest and make some important decisions about your life.");
$skills = modulehook("specialtynames");
$op = httpget('op');
if ($op=="give"){
if ($session['user']['gems']>0){
output("%sYou give `@Foil`&wench%s a gem, and she hands you a slip of parchment with instructions on how to advance in your specialty.`n`n", $c, $c);
output("You study it intensely, shred it up, and eat it lest infidels get ahold of the information.`n`n");
output("`@Foil`&wench%s sighs... \"`&You didn't have to eat it... Oh well, now be gone from here!%s\"`3", $c, $c);
debuglog("gave 1 gem to Foilwench");
output("%sYou hand over your imaginary gem.", $c);
output("`@Foil`&wench%s stares blankly back at you.", $c);
output("\"`&Come back when you have a `breal`b gem you simpleton.%s\"`n`n", $c);
output("\"`#Simpleton?%s\" you ask.`n`n", $c);
output("With that, `@Foil`&wench%s throws you out.`0", $c);
output("%sYou inform `@Foil`&wench%s that if she would like to get rich, she will have to do so on her efforts, and stomp away.", $c, $c);
output("%sYou are seeking prey in the forest when you stumble across a strange hut.", $c);
output("Ducking inside, you are met by the grizzled face of a battle-hardened old woman.");
output("\"`&Greetings %s`&, I am `@Foil`&wench, master of all.%s\"`n`n", $session['user']['name'], $c);
output("\"`#Master of all?%s\" you inquire.`n`n", $c);
output("\"`&Yes, master of all. All the skills are mine to control, and to teach.%s\"`n`n", $c);
output("\"`#Yours to teach?%s\" you query.`n`n", $c);
output("The old woman sighs, \"`&Yes, mine to teach. I will teach you how to advance in %s on two conditions.%s\"`n`n", $skills[$session['user']['specialty']], $c);
output("\"`#Two conditions?%s\" you repeat inquisitively.`n`n", $c);
output("\"`&Yes. First, you must give me a gem, and second you must stop repeating what I say in the form of a question!%s\"`n`n", $c);
output("\"`#A gem!%s\" you state definitively.`n`n", $c);
output("\"`&Well... I guess that wasn't a question. So how about that gem?%s\"", $c);
addnav("Give her a gem", $from."op=give");
addnav("Don't give her a gem",$from."op=dont");
function foilwench_run(){