2020-08-17 19:16:42 -04:00

94 lines
3.1 KiB
Executable File

// translator ready
// addnews ready
// mail ready
function templatereplace($itemname,$vals=false){
global $template;
if (!isset($template[$itemname]))
output("`bWarning:`b The `i%s`i template part was not found!`n", $itemname);
$out = $template[$itemname];
if (!is_array($vals)) return $out;
while (list($key,$val)=@each($vals)){
if (strpos($out,"{".$key."}")===false){
output("`bWarning:`b the `i%s`i piece was not found in the `i%s`i te".
"mplate part! (%s)`n", $key, $itemname, $out);
$out .= $val;
$out = str_replace("{"."$key"."}",$val,$out);
return $out;
function prepare_template($force=false){
if (!$force) {
if (defined("TEMPLATE_IS_PREPARED")) return;
global $templatename, $templatemessage, $template, $session, $y, $z, $y2, $z2, $copyright, $lc, $x, $templatetags;
if (!isset($_COOKIE['template'])) $_COOKIE['template']="";
if ($_COOKIE['template']!="")
if ($templatename=="" || !file_exists("templates/$templatename"))
$templatename=getsetting("defaultskin", "jade.htm");
if ($templatename=="" || !file_exists("templates/$templatename"))
$template = loadtemplate($templatename);
if ($session['templatename'] == $templatename &&
//We do not have to check that the template is valid since it has
//not changed.
//We need to double check that the template is valid since the name
// or file mod time have changed.
//tags that must appear in the header
while (list($key,$val)=each($templatetags)){
if (strpos($template['header'],"{".$val."}")===false && $val)
$templatemessage .=
"You do not have {".$val."} defined in your header\n";
//tags that must appear in the footer
while (list($key,$val)=each($templatetags)){
if (strpos($template['footer'],"{".$val."}")===false && $val)
$templatemessage .=
"You do not have {".$val."} defined in your footer\n";
//tags that may appear anywhere but must appear
"paypal","source","version", "copyright");
while (list($key,$val)=each($templatetags)){
if (!$key) array_push($templatetags,$y2^$z2);
if (strpos($template['header'],"{".$val."}")===false &&
strpos($template['footer'],"{".$val."}")===false && $val)
$templatemessage .=
"You do not have {".$val."} defined in either your header or footer\n";
if ($templatemessage==""){
$session['templatename'] = $templatename;
$session['templatemtime'] = filemtime("templates/$templatename");
if ($templatemessage!=""){
echo "<b>You have one or more errors in your template page!</b><br>".nl2br($templatemessage);
}else {
$y = 0;
$z = $y2^$z2;
if ($session['user']['loggedin'] && $x > ''){
$$z = $x;
$$z = $lc . $$z . "<br />";