2020-08-17 19:16:42 -04:00

21 lines
1.1 KiB
Executable File

output("`)`b`cThe Mausoleum`c`b");
$max = $session['user']['level'] * 5 + 50;
$favortoheal = round(10 * ($max-$session['user']['soulpoints'])/$max);
if ($session['user']['soulpoints']<$max){
if ($session['user']['deathpower']>=$favortoheal){
output("`\$%s`) calls you weak for needing restoration, but as you have enough favor with him, he grants your request at the cost of `4%s`) favor.",$deathoverlord, $favortoheal);
output("`\$%s`) curses you and throws you from the Mausoleum, you must gain more favor with him before he will grant restoration.",$deathoverlord);
output("`\$%s`) sighs and mumbles something about, \"`7just 'cause they're dead, does that mean they don't have to think?`)\"`n`n",$deathoverlord);
output("Perhaps you'd like to actually `ineed`i restoration before you ask for it.");
addnav(array("Question `\$%s`0 about the worth of your soul",$deathoverlord),"graveyard.php?op=question");
addnav("S?Land of the Shades","shades.php");
addnav("G?Return to the Graveyard","graveyard.php");