<?php //addnews ready // mail ready require_once("common.php"); require_once("lib/showform.php"); require_once("lib/datetime.php"); require_once("lib/http.php"); require_once("lib/sanitize.php"); require_once("lib/names.php"); tlschema("user"); check_su_access(SU_EDIT_USERS); $op = httpget('op'); $userid=httpget("userid"); if ($op == "lasthit") { // Try and keep user editor and captcha from breaking each other. $_POST['i_am_a_hack'] = 'true'; } page_header("User Editor"); $sort = httpget('sort'); $petition=httpget("returnpetition"); $returnpetition=""; if ($petition != "") $returnpetition = "&returnpetition=$petition"; $gentime = 0; $gentimecount = 0; $order = "acctid"; if ($sort!="") $order = "$sort"; $display = 0; $query = httppost('q'); if ($query === false) $query = httpget('q'); if ($op=="search" || $op== ""){ require_once("lib/lookup_user.php"); list($searchresult, $err) = lookup_user($query, $order); $op = ""; if ($err) { output($err); } else { $display = 1; } } $m = httpget("module"); if ($m) $m = "&module=$m&subop=module"; rawoutput("<form action='user.php?op=search$m' method='POST'>"); output("Search by any field below: "); rawoutput("<input name='q' id='q'>"); $se = translate_inline("Search"); rawoutput("<input type='submit' class='button' value='$se'>"); rawoutput("</form>"); rawoutput("<script language='JavaScript'>document.getElementById('q').focus();</script>"); addnav("","user.php?op=search$m"); require_once("lib/superusernav.php"); superusernav(); addnav("Bans"); addnav("Add a ban","user.php?op=setupban"); addnav("List/Remove bans","user.php?op=removeban"); // This doesn't seem to be used, so I'm going to comment it out now //$msg = httpget('msg'); //if ($msg>"") { // output("Message: %s`n", $msg); //} // Collect a list of the mounts $mounts="0," . translate_inline("None"); $sql = "SELECT mountid,mountname,mountcategory FROM " . db_prefix("mounts") . " ORDER BY mountcategory"; $result = db_query($sql); while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($result)){ $mounts.=",{$row['mountid']},{$row['mountcategory']}: ".color_sanitize($row['mountname']); } $specialties = array(""=>translate_inline("Undecided")); $specialties = modulehook("specialtynames", $specialties); $enum = ""; foreach ($specialties as $key=>$name) { if ($enum) $enum .= ","; $enum .= "$key,$name"; } //Inserted for v1.1.0 Dragonprime Edition to extend clan possibilities $ranks = array(CLAN_APPLICANT=>"`!Applicant`0",CLAN_MEMBER=>"`#Member`0",CLAN_OFFICER=>"`^Officer`0",CLAN_LEADER=>"`&Leader`0", CLAN_FOUNDER=>"`\$Founder"); $ranks = modulehook("clanranks", array("ranks"=>$ranks, "clanid"=>NULL, "userid"=>$userid)); $ranks = $ranks['ranks']; $rankstring = ""; foreach($ranks as $rankid => $rankname) { if ($rankstring != "") $rankstring .= ","; $rankstring .= $rankid.",".sanitize($rankname); } $userinfo = array( "Account info,title", "acctid"=>"User id,viewonly", "login"=>"Login", "newpassword"=>"New Password", "emailaddress"=>"Email Address", "locked"=>"Account Locked,bool", "banoverride"=>"Override Bans for this account,bool", "referer"=>"ID of player who referred this player," . (($session['user']['superuser'] & SU_EDIT_DONATIONS) ? "int" : "viewonly"), "refererawarded"=>"Has the referring player been awarded points,viewonly", "Basic user info,title", "name"=>"Character Name (Do NOT include ANY title information)", "title"=>"Dragonkill Title (prepended to name if Custom Title unset)" . (getsetting("edittitles",1) ? "" : ",hidden"), "ctitle"=>"Custom Title (prepended to name if set)", "sex"=>"Sex,enum,0,Male,1,Female", "age"=>"Days since level 1,int", "dragonkills"=>"How many times has slain the dragon,int", "dragonage"=>"How old when last killed dragon,int", "bestdragonage"=>"Youngest days when killed dragon,int", "pk"=>"Has user attacked in pvp?,bool", "bio"=>"Bio", "Stats,title", "level"=>"Level,int", "race"=>"Race", "experience"=>"Experience,int", "hitpoints"=>"Current Hitpoints,int", "maxhitpoints"=>"Max Hitpoints,int", "turns"=>"Turns left,int", "playerfights"=>"Playerfights left,int", "attack"=>"Attack (includes weapon damage),int", "defense"=>"Defense (includes armor defense),int", "spirits"=>"Spirits (display only),enum,-6,Resurrected,-2,Very Low,-1,Low,0,Normal,1,High,2,Very High", "resurrections"=>"Resurrections,int", "location"=>"Where is the user currently", "Specialty,title", "specialty"=>"Specialty,enumpretrans,". $enum, "Grave Fights,title", "deathpower"=>array("Favor with %s`0,int", getsetting("deathoverlord", '`$Ramius')), "gravefights"=>"Grave fights left,int", "soulpoints"=>"Soulpoints (HP while dead),int", "Gear,title", "gems"=>"Gems,int", "gold"=>"Gold in hand,int", "goldinbank"=>"Gold in bank,int", "transferredtoday"=>"Number of transfers today,int", "amountouttoday"=>"Total value of transfers from player today,int", "weapon"=>"Weapon Name", "weapondmg"=>"Damage of weapon,int", "weaponvalue"=>"Purchase cost of weapon,int", "armor"=>"Armor Name", "armordef"=>"Armor defense,int", "armorvalue"=>"Purchase cost of armor,int", "Special,title", "charm"=>"Charm,int", "seendragon"=>"Saw dragon today,bool", "seenmaster"=>"Seen master,bool", "hashorse"=>"Mount,enumpretrans,".$mounts, "fedmount"=>"Fed mount today,bool", "boughtroomtoday"=>"Bought a room today,bool", "marriedto"=>"Is married to the player with AcctID," . (($session['user']['superuser'] & SU_MEGAUSER) ? "int" : "viewonly"), "Clan Info,title", "clanid"=>"Clan,enumpretrans,0,".translate_inline("None"), "clanrank"=>"Clan Rank,enum,$rankstring", "clanjoindate"=>"Clan Join Date", "Superuser Flags,title", "superuser"=>"Superuser Permissions". "<br/><i>For the most part you can only set flags that you yourself possess;". "<br/>if you try to set one that you don't have; it won't stick.</i>,". "bitfield,". ($session['user']['superuser'] | SU_ANYONE_CAN_SET | ($session['user']['superuser']&SU_MEGAUSER ? 0xFFFFFFFF : 0)).",". SU_MEGAUSER. ",MEGA USER (enable all permissions)* <i>(this applies to any future flags as well)</i>". "<br/><br/><b>Editors</b>,". SU_EDIT_CONFIG. ",Edit Game Configurations*,". SU_EDIT_USERS. ",Edit Users*,". SU_EDIT_MOUNTS. ",Edit Mounts,". SU_EDIT_CREATURES. ",Edit Creatures & Taunts,". SU_EDIT_EQUIPMENT. ",Edit Armor & Weapons,". SU_EDIT_RIDDLES. ",Edit Riddles,". SU_MANAGE_MODULES. ",Manage Modules". "<br/><br/><b>Customer Service</b>,". SU_IS_GAMEMASTER. ",Can post comments as gamemaster,". SU_EDIT_PETITIONS. ",Handle Petitions,". SU_EDIT_COMMENTS. ",Moderate Comments,". SU_MODERATE_CLANS. ",Moderate Clan Commentary,". SU_AUDIT_MODERATION.",Audit Moderated Comments,". SU_OVERRIDE_YOM_WARNING.",Do NOT display YOM warning for this person,". SU_POST_MOTD. ",Post MoTD's". "<br/><br/><b>Donations</b>,". SU_EDIT_DONATIONS. ",Manage Donations*,". SU_EDIT_PAYLOG. ",Manage Payment Log". "<br/><br/><b>Game Development</b>,". SU_INFINITE_DAYS. ",Infinite Days*,". SU_DEVELOPER. ",Game Developer* (super powers),". SU_IS_TRANSLATOR. ",Enable Translation Tool,". SU_DEBUG_OUTPUT. ",Debug Output,". SU_SHOW_PHPNOTICE. ",See PHP Notices in debug output,". SU_RAW_SQL. ",Execute Raw SQL*,". SU_VIEW_SOURCE. ",View source code,". SU_GIVE_GROTTO. ",Grotto access (only if not granted implicitly in another permission),". SU_NEVER_EXPIRE. ",Account never expires". "<br/><br/>* Granting any of these options will hide the user from the HoF", "Misc Info,title", "regdate"=>"Registered on,viewonly", "beta"=>"Willing to participate in beta,bool", "laston"=>"Last On (local time),viewonly", "lasthit"=>"Last New Day (time is in GMT not local),viewonly", "lastmotd"=>"Last MOTD date (local time),viewonly", "lastip"=>"Last IP,viewonly", "uniqueid"=>"Unique ID,viewonly", "gentime"=>"Sum of page gen times,viewonly", "gentimecount"=>"Page hits,viewonly", "allowednavs"=>"Allowed Navs,viewonly", "dragonpoints"=>"Dragon points spent,viewonly", "bufflist"=>"Buff List,viewonly", "prefs"=>"Preferences,viewonly", "donationconfig"=>"Donation buys,viewonly", "Battle Info,title", "companions"=>"List of companions,viewonly", "badguy"=>"Last Badguy,viewonly" ); $sql = "SELECT clanid,clanname,clanshort FROM " . db_prefix("clans") ." ORDER BY clanshort"; $result = db_query($sql); while ($row=db_fetch_assoc($result)){ $userinfo['clanid'].=",{$row['clanid']},<{$row['clanshort']}> {$row['clanname']}"; } switch ($op) { case "lasthit": require("lib/user/user_lasthit.php"); break; case "savemodule": require("lib/user/user_savemodule.php"); break; case "special": require("lib/user/user_special.php"); break; case "save": require("lib/user/user_save.php"); break; } switch($op) { case "edit": require("lib/user/user_edit.php"); break; case "setupban": require("lib/user/user_setupban.php"); break; case "del": require("lib/user/user_del.php"); break; case "saveban": require("lib/user/user_saveban.php"); break; case "delban": require("lib/user/user_delban.php"); break; case "removeban": require("lib/user/user_removeban.php"); break; case "debuglog": require("lib/user/user_debuglog.php"); break; case "": require("lib/user/user_.php"); break; } page_footer(); function show_bitfield($val){ $out = ""; $v = 1; for ($i=0; $i < 32; $i++){ $out.= (int)$val & (int)$v?"1":"0"; $v *= 2; } return($out); } ?>