0){ $no_subject = translate_inline("`i(No Subject)`i"); rawoutput("
"); }else{ output("`iAww, you have no mail, how sad.`i"); } if (db_num_rows($result) == 1) { output("`n`n`iYou currently have 1 message in your inbox.`nYou will no longer be able to receive messages from players if you have more than %s unread messages in your inbox. `nMessages are automatically deleted (read or unread) after %s days.",getsetting('inboxlimit',50),getsetting("oldmail",14)); } else { output("`n`n`iYou currently have %s messages in your inbox.`nYou will no longer be able to receive messages from players if you have more than %s unread messages in your inbox. `nMessages are automatically deleted (read or unread) after %s days.",db_num_rows($result),getsetting('inboxlimit',50),getsetting("oldmail",14)); } ?>