"MightyE's Weapons", "desc" => array( "`!MightyE `7stands behind a counter and appears to pay little attention to you as you enter, but you know from experience that he has his eye on every move you make.", array("He may be a humble weapons merchant, but he still carries himself with the grace of a man who has used his weapons to kill mightier %s than you.`n`n",translate_inline($session['user']['sex']?"women":"men")), "The massive hilt of a claymore protrudes above his shoulder; its gleam in the torch light not much brighter than the gleam off of `!MightyE's`7 bald forehead, kept shaved mostly as a strategic advantage, but in no small part because nature insisted that some level of baldness was necessary.`n`n", "`!MightyE`7 finally nods to you, stroking his goatee and looking like he wished he could have an opportunity to use one of these weapons.", ), "tradein" => array( "`7You stroll up the counter and try your best to look like you know what most of these contraptions do.", array("`!MightyE`7 looks at you and says, \"`#I'll give you `^%s`# trade-in value for your `5%s`#.",$tradeinvalue,$session['user']['weapon']), "Just click on the weapon you wish to buy, what ever 'click' means`7,\" and looks utterly confused.", "He stands there a few seconds, snapping his fingers and wondering if that is what is meant by \"click,\" before returning to his work: standing there and looking good.`n`n", ), "nosuchweapon" => "`!MightyE`7 looks at you, confused for a second, then realizes that you've apparently taken one too many bonks on the head, and nods and smiles.", "tryagain" => "Try again?", "notenoughgold" => "Waiting until `!MightyE`7 looks away, you reach carefully for the `5%s`7, which you silently remove from the rack upon which it sits. Secure in your theft, you turn around and head for the door, swiftly, quietly, like a ninja, only to discover that upon reaching the door, the ominous `!MightyE`7 stands, blocking your exit. You execute a flying kick. Mid flight, you hear the \"SHING\" of a sword leaving its sheath.... your foot is gone. You land on your stump, and `!MightyE`7 stands in the doorway, claymore once again in its back holster, with no sign that it had been used, his arms folded menacingly across his burly chest. \"`#Perhaps you'd like to pay for that?`7\" is all he has to say as you collapse at his feet, lifeblood staining the planks under your remaining foot.`n`nYou wake up some time later, having been tossed unconscious into the street.", "payweapon" => "`!MightyE`7 takes your `5%s`7 and promptly puts a price on it, setting it out for display with the rest of his weapons.`n`nIn return, he hands you a shiny new `5%s`7 which you swoosh around the room, nearly taking off `!MightyE`7's head, which he deftly ducks; you're not the first person to exuberantly try out a new weapon.", ); $schemas = array( "title"=>"weapon", "desc"=>"weapon", "tradein"=>"weapon", "nosuchweapon"=>"weapon", "tryagain"=>"weapon", "notenoughgold"=>"weapon", "payweapon"=>"weapon", ); $basetext['schemas'] = $schemas; $texts = modulehook("weaponstext",$basetext); $schemas = $texts['schemas']; tlschema($schemas['title']); page_header($texts['title']); output("`c`b`&".$texts['title']."`0`b`c"); tlschema(); $op = httpget("op"); if ($op==""){ tlschema($schemas['desc']); if (is_array($texts['desc'])) { foreach ($texts['desc'] as $description) { output_notl(sprintf_translate($description)); } } else { output($texts['desc']); } tlschema(); $sql = "SELECT max(level) AS level FROM " . db_prefix("weapons") . " WHERE level<=".(int)$session['user']['dragonkills']; $result = db_query($sql); $row = db_fetch_assoc($result); $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . db_prefix("weapons") . " WHERE level = ".(int)$row['level']." ORDER BY damage ASC"; $result = db_query($sql); tlschema($schemas['tradein']); if (is_array($texts['tradein'])) { foreach ($texts['tradein'] as $description) { output_notl(sprintf_translate($description)); } } else { output($texts['tradein']); } tlschema(); $wname=translate_inline("`bName`b"); $wdam=translate_inline("`bDamage`b"); $wcost=translate_inline("`bCost`b"); rawoutput(""); rawoutput(""); $i=0; while($row = db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $link = true; $row = modulehook("modify-weapon", $row); if (isset($row['skip']) && $row['skip'] === true) { continue; } if (isset($row['unavailable']) && $row['unavailable'] == true) { $link = false; } rawoutput(""); ++$i; } rawoutput("
"); output_notl($wname); rawoutput(""); output_notl($wdam); rawoutput(""); output_notl($wcost); rawoutput("
"); $color = "`)"; if ($row['value']<=($session['user']['gold']+$tradeinvalue)){ if ($link) { $color = "`&"; rawoutput(""); } else { $color = "`7"; } output_notl("%s%s`0",$color,$row['weaponname']); if ($link) { rawoutput(""); } addnav("","weapons.php?op=buy&id={$row['weaponid']}"); }else{ output_notl("%s%s`0",$color,$row['weaponname']); addnav("","weapons.php?op=buy&id={$row['weaponid']}"); } rawoutput(""); output_notl("%s%s`0",$color,$row['damage']); rawoutput(""); if (isset($row['alternatetext']) && $row['alternatetext'] > "") { output("%s%s`0", $color, $row['alternatetext']); } else { output_notl("%s%s`0",$color,$row['value']); } rawoutput("
"); villagenav(); }else if ($op=="buy"){ $id = httpget("id"); $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . db_prefix("weapons") . " WHERE weaponid='$id'"; $result = db_query($sql); if (db_num_rows($result)==0){ tlschema($schemas['nosuchweapon']); output($texts['nosuchweapon']); tlschema(); tlschema($schemas['tryagain']); addnav($texts['tryagain'],"weapons.php"); tlschema(); villagenav(); }else{ $row = db_fetch_assoc($result); $row = modulehook("modify-weapon", $row); if ($row['value']>($session['user']['gold']+$tradeinvalue)){ tlschema($schemas['notenoughgold']); output($texts['notenoughgold'],$row['weaponname']); tlschema(); villagenav(); }else{ tlschema($schemas['payweapon']); output($texts['payweapon'],$session['user']['weapon'],$row['weaponname']); tlschema(); debuglog("spent " . ($row['value']-$tradeinvalue) . " gold on the " . $row['weaponname'] . " weapon"); $session['user']['gold']-=$row['value']; $session['user']['weapon'] = $row['weaponname']; $session['user']['gold']+=$tradeinvalue; $session['user']['attack']-=$session['user']['weapondmg']; $session['user']['weapondmg'] = $row['damage']; $session['user']['attack']+=$session['user']['weapondmg']; $session['user']['weaponvalue'] = $row['value']; villagenav(); } } } page_footer(); ?>