"Dag Durnick Bounties", "author"=>"Darrel Morrone
Updates by Andrew Senger, JT Traub, and Eric Stevens", "version"=>"1.3", "category"=>"Inn", "download"=>"core_module", "settings"=>array( "Dag Durnick Bounty Settings,title", "bountymin"=>"Minimum amount per level of target for bounty,int|50", "bountymax"=>"Maximum amount per level of target for bounty,int|200", "bountylevel"=>"Minimum player level for being a bounty target,int|3", "bountyfee"=>"Percentage of bounty kept by Dag Durnick,int|10", "maxbounties"=>"How many bounties can a person set per day,int|5" ), "prefs"=>array( "Dag Durnick Bounty User Preferences,title", "bounties"=>"Bounties set today,int|0" ) ); return $info; } function dag_install(){ require_once("modules/dag/install.php"); $args = func_get_args(); return call_user_func_array("dag_install_private",$args); } function dag_uninstall(){ output("Dropping bounty table"); $sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " . db_prefix("bounty"); db_query($sql); return true; } function dag_dohook($hookname, $args){ require_once("modules/dag/dohook.php"); $args = func_get_args(); return call_user_func_array("dag_dohook_private",$args); } function dag_run(){ require_once("modules/dag/run.php"); $args = func_get_args(); return call_user_func_array("dag_run_private",$args); } ?>