$days OR dragonkills>0 OR pk>0 OR experience>$exp) " . "AND (level>=$lev1 AND level<=$lev2) AND (alive=1) " . "AND (laston<'$last' OR loggedin=0) AND (acctid<>$id) " . "ORDER BY location='$loc' DESC, location, level DESC, " . "experience DESC, dragonkills DESC"; } $result = db_query($sql); $pvp = array(); while($row = db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $pvp[] = $row; } $pvp = modulehook("pvpmodifytargets", $pvp); tlschema("pvp"); $n = translate_inline("Name"); $l = translate_inline("Level"); $loc = translate_inline("Location"); $ops = translate_inline("Ops"); $bio = translate_inline("Bio"); $att = translate_inline("Attack"); rawoutput("
$n | $l | $loc | $ops |
"); if ($row['clanshort']>"" && $row['clanrank'] > CLAN_APPLICANT) { output_notl("%s<`2%s%s>`0 ", $clanrankcolors[$row['clanrank']], $row['clanshort'], $clanrankcolors[$row['clanrank']], true); } output_notl("`@%s`0", $row['name']); rawoutput(" | "); rawoutput(""); output_notl("%s", $row['level']); rawoutput(" | "); rawoutput(""); output_notl("%s", $row['location']); rawoutput(" | "); rawoutput("[ $bio | "); if($row['pvpflag']>$pvptimeout){ output("`i(Attacked too recently)`i"); }elseif ($location!=$row['location']){ output("`i(Can't reach them from here)`i"); }else{ rawoutput("$att"); addnav("","$link$extra&name=".$row['acctid']); } rawoutput(" ] | "); rawoutput("
$noone |