<?php if ($dkills-$dp > 1) { page_header("Dragon Points"); output("`@You earn one dragon point each time you slay the dragon."); output("Advancements made by spending dragon points are permanent!"); output("`n`nYou have `^%s`@ unspent dragon points.", $dkills-$dp); output("How do you wish to spend them?`n`n"); output("Be sure that your allocations add up to your total unspent dragon points."); $text = "<script type='text/javascript' language='Javascript'> <!-- function pointsLeft() { var form = document.getElementById(\"dkForm\"); "; reset($labels); foreach($labels as $type=>$label) { if (isset($canbuy[$type]) && $canbuy[$type]) { $text .= "var $type = parseInt(form.$type.value); "; } } reset($labels); foreach($labels as $type=>$label) { if (isset($canbuy[$type]) && $canbuy[$type]) { $text .= "if (isNaN($type)) $type = 0; "; } } $text .= "var val = $dkills - $dp "; foreach($labels as $type=>$label) { if (isset($canbuy[$type]) && $canbuy[$type]) { $text .= "- $type"; } } $text .= "; var absval = Math.abs(val); var points = 'points'; if (absval == 1) points = 'point'; if (val >= 0) document.getElementById(\"amtLeft\").innerHTML = \"<span class='colLtWhite'>You have </span><span class='colLtYellow'>\"+absval+\"</span><span class='colLtWhite'> \"+points+\" left to spend.</span><br />\"; else document.getElementById(\"amtLeft\").innerHTML = \"<span class='colLtWhite'>You have spent </span><span class='colLtRed'>\"+absval+\"</span><span class='colLtWhite'> \"+points+\" too many!</span><br />\"; } // --> </script>\n"; rawoutput($text); addnav("Reset", "newday.php?pdk=0$resline"); $link = appendcount("newday.php?pdk=1$resline"); rawoutput("<form id='dkForm' action='$link' method='POST'>"); addnav("",$link); rawoutput("<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0' width='200'>"); reset($labels); foreach($labels as $type=>$label) { if (isset($canbuy[$type]) && $canbuy[$type]) { rawoutput("<tr><td nowrap>"); output($label); output_notl(":"); rawoutput("</td><td>"); rawoutput("<input id='$type' name='$type' size='4' maxlength='4' value='{$pdks[$type]}' onKeyUp='pointsLeft();' onBlur='pointsLeft();' onFocus='pointsLeft();'>"); rawoutput("</td></tr>"); } } rawoutput("<tr><td colspan='2'> "); rawoutput("</td></tr><tr><td colspan='2' align='center'>"); $click = translate_inline("Spend"); rawoutput("<input id='dksub' type='submit' class='button' value='$click'>"); rawoutput("</td></tr><tr><td colspan='2'> "); rawoutput("</td></tr><tr><td colspan='2' align='center'>"); rawoutput("<div id='amtLeft'></div>"); rawoutput("</td></tr>"); rawoutput("</table>"); rawoutput("</form>"); reset($labels); $count = 0; foreach($labels as $type=>$label) { if ($count > 0) break; if (isset($canbuy[$type]) && $canbuy[$type]) { rawoutput("<script language='JavaScript'>document.getElementById('$type').focus();</script>"); $count++; } } }else{ page_header("Dragon Points"); reset ($labels); $dist = array(); foreach ($labels as $type=>$label) { $dist[$type] = 0; // Initialize the distribution if (isset($canbuy[$type]) && $canbuy[$type]) { addnav($label, "newday.php?dk=$type$resline"); } } output("`@You have `&1`@ unspent dragon point."); output("How do you wish to spend it?`n`n"); output("You earn one dragon point each time you slay the dragon."); output("Advancements made by spending dragon points are permanent!"); for ($i=0; $i<count($session['user']['dragonpoints']); $i++) { if (isset($dist[$session['user']['dragonpoints'][$i]])) { $dist[$session['user']['dragonpoints'][$i]]++; } else { $dist['unknown']++; } } output("`n`nCurrently, the dragon points you have already spent are distributed in the following manner."); rawoutput("<blockquote>"); rawoutput("<table>"); reset ($labels); foreach ($labels as $type=>$label) { if ($type == 'unknown' && $dist[$type] == 0) continue; rawoutput("<tr><td nowrap>"); output($label); output_notl(":"); rawoutput("</td><td> </td><td>"); output_notl("`@%s", $dist[$type]); rawoutput("</td></tr>"); } rawoutput("</table>"); rawoutput("</blockquote>"); } ?>