0?"OR (laston < \"".date("Y-m-d H:i:s",strtotime("-$old days"))."\")\n":"").($new>0?"OR (laston < \"".date("Y-m-d H:i:s",strtotime("-$new days"))."\" AND level=1 AND dragonkills=0)\n":"").($trash>0?"OR (regdate < date_add(NOW(),interval -".$trash." day) AND laston < regdate)\n":"").")"; $result1 = db_query($sql1); $acctids = array(); $pinfo = array(); $dk0lvl = 0; $dk0ct = 0; $dk1lvl = 0; $dk1ct = 0; $dks = 0; while($row1 = db_fetch_assoc($result1)) { require_once("lib/charcleanup.php"); if(!char_cleanup($row1['acctid'], CHAR_DELETE_AUTO)) continue; array_push($acctids,$row1['acctid']); array_push($pinfo,"{$row1['login']}:dk{$row1['dragonkills']}-lv{$row1['level']}"); if ($row1['dragonkills']==0) { $dk0lvl += $row1['level']; $dk0ct++; }else if($row1['dragonkills']==1){ $dk1lvl += $row1['level']; $dk1ct++; } $dks += $row1['dragonkills']; } //Log which accounts were deleted. $msg = "[{$dk0ct}] with 0 dk avg lvl [".round($dk0lvl/max(1,$dk0ct),2)."]\n"; $msg .= "[{$dk1ct}] with 1 dk avg lvl [".round($dk1lvl/max(1,$dk1ct),2)."]\n"; $msg .= "Avg DK: [".round($dks/max(1,count($acctids)),2)."]\n"; $msg .= "Accounts: ".join($pinfo,", "); require_once("lib/gamelog.php"); gamelog("Deleted ".count($acctids)." accounts:\n$msg","char expiration"); # Now delete the accounts themselves // one less search pass, and a guarantee that the same accounts selected // above are the ones deleted here. if (count($acctids)) { $sql = "DELETE FROM " . db_prefix("accounts") . " WHERE acctid IN (".join($acctids,",").")"; db_query($sql); } $old-=5; $sql = "SELECT acctid,emailaddress FROM " . db_prefix("accounts") . " WHERE 1=0 ".($old>0?"OR (laston < \"".date("Y-m-d H:i:s",strtotime("-$old days"))."\")\n":"")." AND emailaddress!='' AND sentnotice=0 AND (superuser&".NO_ACCOUNT_EXPIRATION.")=0"; $result = db_query($sql); $subject = translate_inline("LoGD Character Expiration"); $body = sprintf_translate("One or more of your characters in Legend of the Green Dragon at %s is about to expire. If you wish to keep this character, you should log on to him or her soon!",getsetting("serverurl","http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 80?"":":".$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']).dirname($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']))); while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($result)) { mail($row['emailaddress'],$subject, $body, "From: ".getsetting("gameadminemail","postmaster@localhost.com") ); $sql = "UPDATE " . db_prefix("accounts") . " SET sentnotice=1 WHERE acctid='{$row['acctid']}'"; db_query($sql); } } ?>