"Title Id,hidden", "dk"=>"Dragon Kills,int|0", // "ref"=>"Arbitrary Tag,int", "male"=>"Male Title,text|", "female"=>"Female Title,text|", ); addnav("Other"); require_once("lib/superusernav.php"); superusernav(); addnav("Functions"); if ($op=="save") { $male = httppost('male'); $female = httppost('female'); $dk = httppost('dk'); // Ref is currently unused // $ref = httppost('ref'); $ref = ''; if ((int)$id == 0) { $sql = "INSERT INTO ".db_prefix("titles")." (titleid,dk,ref,male,female) VALUES ($id,$dk,'$ref','$male','$female')"; $note = "`^New title added.`0"; $errnote = "`\$Unable to add title.`0"; }else { $sql = "UPDATE " . db_prefix("titles") . " SET dk=$dk,ref='$ref',male='$male',female='$female' WHERE titleid=$id"; $note = "`^Title modified.`0"; $errnote = "`\$Unable to modify title.`0"; } db_query($sql); if (db_affected_rows() == 0) { output($errnote); rawoutput(db_error()); } else { output($note); } $op = ""; } elseif ($op == "delete") { $sql = "DELETE FROM ".db_prefix("titles")." WHERE titleid='$id'"; db_query($sql); output("`^Title deleted.`0"); $op = ""; } if ($op == ""){ $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".db_prefix("titles")." ORDER BY dk, titleid"; $result = db_query($sql); if (db_num_rows($result)<1){ output(""); }else{ $row = db_fetch_assoc($result); } output("`@`c`b-=Title Editor=-`b`c"); $ops = translate_inline("Ops"); $dks = translate_inline("Dragon Kills"); // $ref is currently unused // $reftag = translate_inline("Reference Tag"); $mtit = translate_inline("Male Title"); $ftit = translate_inline("Female Title"); $edit = translate_inline("Edit"); $del = translate_inline("Delete"); $delconfirm = translate_inline("Are you sure you wish to delete this title?"); rawoutput(""); // reference tag is currently unused // rawoutput(""); rawoutput(""); $result = db_query($sql); $i = 0; while($row = db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $id = $row['titleid']; rawoutput(""); rawoutput(""); addnav("","titleedit.php?op=edit&id=$id"); addnav("","titleedit.php?op=delete&id=$id"); rawoutput(""); $i++; } rawoutput("
[$edit|$del]"); output_notl("`&%s`0",$row['dk']); rawoutput(""); // reftag is currently unused // output("`^%s`0", $row['ref']); // output(""); output_notl("`2%s`0",$row['male']); rawoutput(""); output_notl("`6%s`0",$row['female']); rawoutput("
"); //modulehook("titleedit", array()); addnav("Functions"); addnav("Add a Title", "titleedit.php?op=add"); addnav("Refresh List", "titleedit.php"); addnav("Reset Users Titles", "titleedit.php?op=reset"); title_help(); } elseif ($op=="edit" || $op=="add") { require_once("lib/showform.php"); if ($op=="edit"){ $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".db_prefix("titles")." WHERE titleid='$id'"; $result = db_query($sql); $row = db_fetch_assoc($result); } elseif ($op=="add") { $row = array('titleid'=>0, 'male'=>'', 'female'=>'', 'dk'=>0); $id = 0; } rawoutput("
"); addnav("","titleedit.php?op=save&id=$id"); showform($editarray,$row); rawoutput("
"); addnav("Functions"); addnav("Main Title Editor", "titleedit.php"); title_help(); } elseif ($op == "reset") { require_once("lib/titles.php"); require_once("lib/names.php"); output("`^Rebuilding all titles.`0`n`n"); $sql = "SELECT name,title,dragonkills,acctid,sex,ctitle FROM " . db_prefix("accounts"); $result = db_query($sql); $number=db_num_rows($result); for ($i=0;$i<$number;$i++){ $row = db_fetch_assoc($result); $oname = $row['name']; $dk = $row['dragonkills']; $otitle = $row['title']; $dk = (int)($row['dragonkills']); if (!valid_dk_title($otitle, $dk, $row['sex'])) { $sex = translate_inline($row['sex']?"female":"male"); $newtitle = get_dk_title($dk, (int)$row['sex']); $newname = change_player_title($newtitle, $row); $id = $row['acctid']; if ($oname != $newname) { output("`@Changing `^%s`@ to `^%s `@(%s`@ [%s,%s])`n", $oname,$newname,$newtitle,$dk,$sex); if ($session['user']['acctid']==$row['acctid']){ $session['user']['title']=$newtitle; $session['user']['name']=$newname; }else{ $sql = "UPDATE " . db_prefix("accounts") . " SET name='" . addslashes($newname)."', title='". addslashes($newtitle)."' WHERE acctid='$id'"; db_query($sql); } }elseif ($otitle != $newtitle){ output("`@Changing only the title (not the name) of `^%s`@ `@(%s`@ [%s,%s])`n", $oname,$newtitle,$dk,$sex); if ($session['user']['acctid']==$row['acctid']){ $session['user']['title']=$newtitle; }else{ $sql = "UPDATE " . db_prefix("accounts") . " SET title='".addslashes($newtitle) . "' WHERE acctid='$id'"; db_query($sql); } } } } output("`n`n`^Done.`0"); addnav("Main Title Editor", "titleedit.php"); } function title_help() { output("`#You can have multiple titles for a given dragon kill rank."); output("If you do, one of those titles will be chosen at random to give to the player when a title is assigned.`n`n"); output("You can have gaps in the title order."); output("If you have a gap, the title given will be for the DK rank less than or equal to the players current number of DKs.`n"); } page_footer(); ?>