<?php // addnews ready // mail ready // translator ready require_once("common.php"); require_once("lib/http.php"); tlschema("taunt"); check_su_access(SU_EDIT_CREATURES); page_header("Taunt Editor"); require_once("lib/superusernav.php"); superusernav(); $op = httpget('op'); $tauntid = httpget('tauntid'); if ($op=="edit"){ addnav("Taunts"); addnav("Return to the taunt editor","taunt.php"); rawoutput("<form action='taunt.php?op=save&tauntid=$tauntid' method='POST'>",true); addnav("","taunt.php?op=save&tauntid=$tauntid"); if ($tauntid!=""){ $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . db_prefix("taunts") . " WHERE tauntid=\"$tauntid\""; $result = db_query($sql); $row = db_fetch_assoc($result); require_once("lib/substitute.php"); $badguy=array('creaturename'=>'Baron Munchausen', 'creatureweapon'=>'Bad Puns'); $taunt = substitute_array($row['taunt']); $taunt = call_user_func_array("sprintf_translate", $taunt); output("Preview: %s`0`n`n", $taunt); } else { $row = array('tauntid'=>0, 'taunt'=>""); } output("Taunt: "); rawoutput("<input name='taunt' value=\"".HTMLEntities($row['taunt'], ENT_COMPAT, getsetting("charset", "ISO-8859-1"))."\" size='70'><br>"); output("The following codes are supported (case matters):`n"); output("%w = The player's name (also can be specified as {goodguy}`n"); output("%x = The player's weapon (also can be specified as {weapon}`n"); output("%a = The player's armor (also can be specified as {armor}`n"); output("%s = Subjective pronoun for the player (him her)`n"); output("%p = Possessive pronoun for the player (his her)`n"); output("%o = Objective pronoun for the player (he she)`n"); output("%W = The monster's name (also can be specified as {badguy}`n"); output("%X = The monster's weapon (also can be specified as {creatureweapon}`n"); $save = translate_inline("Save"); rawoutput("<input type='submit' class='button' value='$save'>"); rawoutput("</form>"); }else if($op=="del"){ $sql = "DELETE FROM " . db_prefix("taunts") . " WHERE tauntid=\"$tauntid\""; db_query($sql); $op = ""; httpset("op", ""); }else if($op=="save"){ $taunt = httppost('taunt'); if ($tauntid!=""){ $sql = "UPDATE " . db_prefix("taunts") . " SET taunt=\"$taunt\",editor=\"".addslashes($session['user']['login'])."\" WHERE tauntid=\"$tauntid\""; }else{ $sql = "INSERT INTO " . db_prefix("taunts") . " (taunt,editor) VALUES (\"$taunt\",\"".addslashes($session['user']['login'])."\")"; } db_query($sql); $op = ""; httpset("op", ""); } if ($op == "") { $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . db_prefix("taunts"); $result = db_query($sql); rawoutput("<table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=1 bgcolor='#999999'>"); $op = translate_inline("Ops"); $t = translate_inline("Taunt String"); $auth = translate_inline("Author"); rawoutput("<tr class='trhead'><td nowrap>$op</td><td>$t</td><td>$auth</td></tr>"); $number=db_num_rows($result); for ($i=0;$i<$number;$i++){ $row=db_fetch_assoc($result); rawoutput("<tr class='".($i%2==0?"trdark":"trlight")."'>",true); rawoutput("<td nowrap>"); $edit = translate_inline("Edit"); $del = translate_inline("Del"); $conf = translate_inline("Are you sure you wish to delete this taunt?"); $id = $row['tauntid']; rawoutput("[ <a href='taunt.php?op=edit&tauntid=$id'>$edit</a> | <a href='taunt.php?op=del&tauntid=$id' onClick='return confirm(\"$conf\");'>$del</a> ]"); addnav("","taunt.php?op=edit&tauntid=$id"); addnav("","taunt.php?op=del&tauntid=$id"); rawoutput("</td><td>"); output_notl("%s", $row['taunt']); rawoutput("</td><td>"); output_notl("%s", $row['editor']); rawoutput("</td></tr>"); } addnav("","taunt.php?c=".httpget('c')); rawoutput("</table>"); addnav("Taunts"); addnav("Add a new taunt","taunt.php?op=edit"); } page_footer(); ?>