"") { setcookie("template",$skin,strtotime("+45 days")); $_COOKIE['template']=$skin; } require_once("lib/villagenav.php"); require_once("common.php"); tlschema("prefs"); require_once("lib/is_email.php"); require_once("lib/showform.php"); require_once("lib/sanitize.php"); page_header("Preferences"); $op = httpget('op'); if ($op=="suicide" && getsetting("selfdelete",0)!=0) { $userid = httpget('userid'); require_once("lib/charcleanup.php"); char_cleanup($userid, CHAR_DELETE_SUICIDE); $sql = "DELETE FROM " . db_prefix("accounts") . " WHERE acctid='$userid'"; db_query($sql); output("Your character has been deleted!"); addnews("`#%s quietly passed from this world.",$session['user']['name']); addnav("Login Page", "index.php"); $session=array(); $session['user'] = array(); $session['loggedin'] = false; $session['user']['loggedin'] = false; invalidatedatacache("charlisthomepage"); invalidatedatacache("list.php-warsonline"); } else { checkday(); if ($session['user']['alive']){ villagenav(); }else{ addnav("Return to the news","news.php"); } $oldvalues = stripslashes(httppost('oldvalues')); $oldvalues = unserialize($oldvalues); $post = httpallpost(); unset($post['oldvalues']); if (count($post)==0){ }else{ $pass1 = httppost('pass1'); $pass2 = httppost('pass2'); if ($pass1!=$pass2){ output("`#Your passwords do not match.`n"); }else{ if ($pass1!=""){ if (strlen($pass1)>3){ if (substr($pass1,0,5)!="!md5!"){ $pass1 = md5(md5($pass1)); }else{ $pass1 = md5(substr($pass1,5)); } $session['user']['password']=$pass1; output("`#Your password has been changed.`n"); }else{ output("`#Your password is too short."); output("It must be at least 4 characters.`n"); } } } reset($post); $nonsettings = array( "pass1"=>1, "pass2"=>1, "email"=>1, "template"=>1, "bio"=>1 ); foreach($post as $key=>$val){ // If this is one we don't save, skip if (isset($nonsettings[$key]) && $nonsettings[$key]) continue; if (isset($oldvalues[$key]) && stripslashes($val) == $oldvalues[$key]) continue; // If this is a module userpref handle and skip debug("Setting $key to $val"); if (strstr($key, "___")) { if (strpos($key, 'user_') === false && strpos($key, 'check_') === false) { continue; } $val = httppost($key); $x = explode("___", $key); $module = $x[0]; $key = $x[1]; modulehook("notifyuserprefchange", array("name"=>$key, "old"=>$oldvalues[$module."___".$key], "new"=>$val)); set_module_pref($key, $val, $module); continue; } $session['user']['prefs'][$key]=httppost($key); } $bio = stripslashes(httppost('bio')); $bio = comment_sanitize($bio); if ($bio!=comment_sanitize($session['user']['bio'])){ if ($session['user']['biotime']>"9000-01-01") { output("`\$You cannot modify your bio."); output("It has been blocked by the administrators!`0`n"); }else{ $session['user']['bio']=$bio; $session['user']['biotime']=date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); } } $email = httppost('email'); if ($email!=$session['user']['emailaddress']){ if (is_email($email)){ if (getsetting("requirevalidemail",0)==1){ output("`#Your email cannot be changed, system settings prohibit it."); output("(Emails may only be changed if the server allows more than one account per email.)"); output("Use the Petition link to ask the server administrator to change your email address if this one is no longer valid.`n"); }else{ output("`#Your email address has been changed.`n"); $session['user']['emailaddress']=$email; } }else{ if (getsetting("requireemail",0)==1){ output("`#That is not a valid email address.`n"); }else{ output("`#Your email address has been changed.`n"); $session['user']['emailaddress']=$email; } } } output("Settings Saved"); } if (!isset($session['user']['prefs']['timeformat'])) $session['user']['prefs']['timeformat'] = "[m/d h:ia]"; $form=array( "Account Preferences,title", "pass1"=>"Password,password", "pass2"=>"Retype,password", "email"=>"Email Address", "Display Preferences,title", "template"=>"Skin,theme", "language"=>"Language,enum,".getsetting("serverlanguages","en,English,de,Deutsch,fr,Français,dk,Danish,es,Español,it,Italian"), "tabconfig"=>"Show config sections in tabs,bool", "Game Behavior Preferences,title", "emailonmail"=>"Send email when you get new Ye Olde Mail?,bool", "systemmail"=>"Send email for system generated messages?,bool", "dirtyemail"=>"Allow profanity in received Ye Olde Poste messages?,bool", "timestamp"=>"Show timestamps in commentary?,enum,0,None,1,Real Time [12/25 1:27pm],2,Relative Time (1h35m)", "timeformat"=>array("Timestamp format (currently displaying time as %s whereas default format is \"[m/d h:ia]\"),string,20", date($session['user']['prefs']['timeformat'], strtotime("now") + ($session['user']['prefs']['timeoffset'] * 60 * 60))), "timeoffset"=>array("Hours to offset time displays (%s currently displays as %s)?,int", date($session['user']['prefs']['timeformat']), date($session['user']['prefs']['timeformat'], strtotime("now") + ($session['user']['prefs']['timeoffset'] * 60 * 60))), "ihavenocheer"=>"`0Always disable all holiday related text replacements (such as a`1`0l`1`0e => e`1`0g`1`0g n`1`0o`1`0g for December),bool", "bio"=>"Short Character Biography (255 chars max),string,255", "nojump"=>"Don't jump to comment areas after refreshing or posting a comment?,bool", ); rawoutput(""); $warn = translate_inline("Your password is too short. It must be at least 4 characters long."); rawoutput(""); // $prefs = $session['user']['prefs']; $prefs['bio'] = $session['user']['bio']; $prefs['template'] = $_COOKIE['template']; if ($prefs['template'] == "") $prefs['template'] = getsetting("defaultskin", "jade.htm"); $prefs['email'] = $session['user']['emailaddress']; // Default tabbed config to true if (!isset($prefs['tabconfig'])) $prefs['tabconfig'] = 1; // Okay, allow modules to add prefs one at a time. // We are going to do it this way to *ensure* that modules don't conflict // in namespace. $sql = "SELECT modulename FROM " . db_prefix("modules") . " WHERE infokeys LIKE '%|prefs|%' AND active=1 ORDER BY modulename"; $result = db_query($sql); $everfound = 0; $foundmodules = array(); $msettings = array(); $mdata = array(); while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $module = $row['modulename']; $info = get_module_info($module); if (count($info['prefs']) <= 0) continue; $tempsettings = array(); $tempdata = array(); $found = 0; while (list($key, $val) = each($info['prefs'])) { $isuser = preg_match("/^user_/", $key); $ischeck = preg_match("/^check_/", $key); if (is_array($val)) { $v = $val[0]; $x = explode("|", $v); $val[0] = $x[0]; $x[0] = $val; } else { $x = explode("|", $val); } if(is_array($x[0])) $x[0] = call_user_func_array('sprintf', $x[0]); //$type = split(",", $x[0]); $type = explode(",", $x[0]); if (isset($type[1])) $type = trim($type[1]); else $type = "string"; // Okay, if we have a title section, let's copy over the last // title section if (strstr($type, "title")) { if ($found) { $everfound = 1; $found = 0; $msettings = array_merge($msettings, $tempsettings); $mdata = array_merge($mdata, $tempdata); } $tempsettings = array(); $tempdata = array(); } if (!$isuser && !$ischeck && !strstr($type,"title") && !strstr($type, "note")) continue; if ($isuser) { $found = 1; } // If this is a check preference, we need to call the modulehook // checkuserpref (requested by cortalUX) if ($ischeck) { $args = modulehook("checkuserpref", array("name"=>$key, "pref"=>$x[0], "default"=>$x[1]), false, $module); if (isset($args['allow']) && !$args['allow']) continue; $x[0] = $args['pref']; $x[1] = $args['default']; $found = 1; } $tempsettings[$module."___".$key] = $x[0]; if (array_key_exists(1, $x)) { $tempdata[$module."___".$key] = $x[1]; } } if($found) { $msettings = array_merge($msettings, $tempsettings); $mdata = array_merge($mdata, $tempdata); $everfound = 1; } // If we found a user editable one if ($everfound) { // Collect the values $foundmodules[]=$module; } } if ($foundmodules!=array()) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . db_prefix("module_userprefs") . " WHERE modulename IN ('".implode("','",$foundmodules)."') AND (setting LIKE 'user_%' OR setting LIKE 'check_%') AND userid='".$session['user']['acctid']."'"; $result1 = db_query($sql); while($row1 = db_fetch_assoc($result1)) { $mdata[$row1['modulename']."___".$row1['setting']] = $row1['value']; } } addnav('View Bio','bio.php?char='.$session['user']['acctid'].'&ret='.urlencode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])); $form = array_merge($form, $msettings); $prefs = array_merge($prefs, $mdata); rawoutput("
"); $info = showform($form,$prefs); rawoutput(""); rawoutput("

"); addnav("","prefs.php?op=save"); // Stop clueless lusers from deleting their character just because a // monster killed them. if ($session['user']['alive'] && getsetting("selfdelete",0)!=0) { rawoutput("
"); $deltext = translate_inline("Delete Character"); $conf = translate_inline("Are you sure you wish to delete your character?"); rawoutput("
"); rawoutput(""); rawoutput("
"); rawoutput("
"); addnav("","prefs.php?op=suicide&userid={$session['user']['acctid']}"); } } page_footer(); ?>