<?php //addnews ready // mail ready // translator ready function glowingstream_getmoduleinfo(){ $info = array( "name"=>"Glowing Stream", "version"=>"1.1", "author"=>"Eric Stevens", "category"=>"Forest Specials", "download"=>"core_module", ); return $info; } debug("glowingstream"); function glowingstream_install(){ module_addeventhook("forest", "return 100;"); module_addeventhook("travel", "return 100;"); return true; } function glowingstream_uninstall(){ return true; } function glowingstream_dohook($hookname,$args){ return $args; } function glowingstream_runevent($type,$link) { global $session; // We only care about the forest here currently. $from = $link; $session['user']['specialinc']="module:glowingstream"; $op = httpget('op'); if ($op=="" || $op=="search"){ output("`#You discover a small stream of faintly glowing water that babbles over round pure white stones."); output("You can sense a magical power in the water."); output("Drinking this water may yield untold powers, or it may result in crippling disability."); output("Do you wish to take a drink?"); addnav("Drink", $from . "op=drink"); addnav("Don't Drink", $from . "op=nodrink"); }elseif ($op=="drink"){ $session['user']['specialinc']=""; $rand = e_rand(1,10); output("`#Knowing that the water could yield deadly results, you decide to take your chances."); output("Kneeling down at the edge of the stream, you take a long hard draught from the cold stream."); output("You feel a warmth growing out from your chest...`n"); switch ($rand){ case 1: output("`iIt is followed by a dreadful clammy cold`i."); output("You stagger and claw at your breast as you feel what you imagine to be the hand of the reaper placing its unbreakable grip on your heart.`n`n"); output("You collapse by the edge of the stream, only just now noticing that the stones you observed before were actually the bleached skulls of other adventurers as unfortunate as you.`n`n"); output("Darkness creeps in around the edges of your vision as you lay staring up through the trees."); output("Your breath comes shallower and less and less frequently as warm sunshine splashes on your face, in sharp contrast to the void taking residence in your heart.`n`n"); output("`^You have died due to the foul power of the stream.`n"); output("As the woodland creatures know the danger of this place, none are here to scavenge from your corpse, thus you may keep your gold.`n"); output("The life lesson learned here balances any experience you would have lost.`n"); output("You may continue playing again tomorrow."); $session['user']['alive']=false; $session['user']['hitpoints']=0; addnav("Daily News","news.php"); addnews("%s encountered strange powers in the forest, and was not seen again.",$session['user']['name']); break; case 2: output("`iIt is followed by a dreadful clammy cold`i."); output("You stagger and claw at your breast as you feel what you imagine to be the hand of the reaper placing its unbreakable grip on your heart.`n`n"); output("You collapse by the edge of the stream, only just now noticing that the stones you observed before were actually the bleached skulls of other adventurers as unfortunate as you.`n`n"); output("Darkness creeps in around the edges of your vision as you lay staring up through the trees."); output("Your breath comes shallower and less and less frequently as warm sunshine splashes on your face, in sharp contrast to the void taking residence in your heart.`n`n"); output("As you exhale your last breath, you distantly hear a tiny giggle."); output("You find the strength to open your eyes, and find yourself staring at a tiny fairy who, flying just above your face is inadvertently sprinkling its fairy dust all over you, granting you the power to crawl once again to your feet."); output("The lurch to your feet startles the tiny creature, and before you have a chance to thank it, it flits off.`n`n"); output("`^You narrowly avoid death, you lose a forest fight, and most of your hitpoints."); if ($session['user']['turns']>0) $session['user']['turns']--; if ($session['user']['hitpoints'] > ($session['user']['maxhitpoints']*.1)) $session['user']['hitpoints'] = round($session['user']['maxhitpoints']*.1,0); if ($session['user']['hitpoints'] < 1) $session['user']['hitpoints'] = 1; break; case 3: output("You feel INVIGORATED!`n`n"); output("`^Your hitpoints have been restored to full, and you feel the energy for another turn in the forest."); if ($session['user']['hitpoints'] < $session['user']['maxhitpoints']) $session['user']['hitpoints'] = $session['user']['maxhitpoints']; $session['user']['turns']++; break; case 4: output("You feel PERCEPTIVE!`n`n"); output("You notice something glittering under one of the pebbles that line the stream.`n`n"); output("`^You find a `%GEM`^!"); $session['user']['gems']++; debuglog("found 1 gem by the stream"); break; case 5: case 6: case 7: output("You feel ENERGETIC!`n`n"); output("`^You receive an extra forest fight!"); $session['user']['turns']++; break; default: output("You feel HEALTHY!`n`n"); output("`^Your hitpoints have been restored to full."); if ($session['user']['hitpoints'] < $session['user']['maxhitpoints']) $session['user']['hitpoints'] = $session['user']['maxhitpoints']; } output("`0"); }else{ $session['user']['specialinc']=""; output("`#Fearing the dreadful power in the water, you decide to let it be, and return to the forest.`0"); } } function glowingstream_run(){ } ?>