<?php // addnews ready // translator ready // mail ready require_once("common.php"); require_once("lib/commentary.php"); require_once("lib/http.php"); require_once("lib/villagenav.php"); tlschema("gypsy"); addcommentary(); $cost = $session['user']['level']*20; $op = httpget('op'); if ($op=="pay"){ if ($session['user']['gold']>=$cost){ // Gunnar Kreitz $session['user']['gold']-=$cost; debuglog("spent $cost gold to speak to the dead"); redirect("gypsy.php?op=talk"); }else{ page_header("Gypsy Seer's tent"); villagenav(); output("`5You offer the old gypsy woman your `^%s`5 gold for your gen-u-wine say-ance, however she informs you that the dead may be dead, but they ain't cheap.", $session['user']['gold']); } }elseif ($op=="talk"){ page_header("In a deep trance, you talk with the shades"); commentdisplay("`5While in a deep trance, you are able to talk with the dead:`n", "shade","Project",25,"projects"); addnav("Snap out of your trance","gypsy.php"); }else{ checkday(); page_header("Gypsy Seer's tent"); output("`5You duck into a gypsy tent like many you have seen throughout the realm."); output("All of them promise to let you talk with the deceased, and most of them surprisingly seem to work."); output("There are also rumors that the gypsy have the power to speak over distances other than just those of the afterlife."); output("In typical gypsy style, the old woman sitting behind a somewhat smudgy crystal ball informs you that the dead only speak with the paying."); output("\"`!For you, %s, the price is a trifling `^%s`! gold.`5\", she rasps.", translate_inline($session['user']['sex']?"my pretty":"my handsome"), $cost); addnav("Seance"); addnav(array("Pay to talk to the dead (%s gold)", $cost),"gypsy.php?op=pay"); if ($session['user']['superuser'] & SU_EDIT_COMMENTS) addnav("Superuser Entry","gypsy.php?op=talk"); addnav("Other"); addnav("Forget it","village.php"); modulehook("gypsy"); } page_footer(); ?>