<?php // addnews ready // translator ready // mail ready define("ALLOW_ANONYMOUS",true); define("OVERRIDE_FORCED_NAV",true); require_once("common.php"); require_once("lib/commentary.php"); require_once("lib/nltoappon.php"); require_once("lib/http.php"); require_once("lib/motd.php"); tlschema("motd"); $op = httpget('op'); $id = httpget('id'); addcommentary(); popup_header("LoGD Message of the Day (MoTD)"); if ($session['user']['superuser'] & SU_POST_MOTD) { $addm = translate_inline("Add MoTD"); $addp = translate_inline("Add Poll"); rawoutput(" [ <a href='motd.php?op=add'>$addm</a> | <a href='motd.php?op=addpoll'>$addp</a> ]<br/><br/>"); } if ($op=="vote"){ $motditem = httppost('motditem'); $choice = httppost('choice'); $sql = "DELETE FROM " . db_prefix("pollresults") . " WHERE motditem='$motditem' AND account='{$session['user']['acctid']}'"; db_query($sql); $sql = "INSERT INTO " . db_prefix("pollresults") . " (choice,account,motditem) VALUES ('$choice','{$session['user']['acctid']}','$motditem')"; db_query($sql); invalidatedatacache("poll-$motditem"); header("Location: motd.php"); exit(); } if ($op == "add" || $op == "addpoll" || $op == "del") { if ($session['user']['superuser'] & SU_POST_MOTD) { if ($op == "add") motd_form($id); elseif ($op == "addpoll") motd_poll_form($id); elseif ($op == "del") motd_del($id); } else { if ($session['user']['loggedin']){ $session['user']['experience'] = round($session['user']['experience']*0.9,0); addnews("%s was penalized for attempting to defile the gods.", $session['user']['name']); output("You've attempted to defile the gods. You are struck with a wand of forgetfulness. Some of what you knew, you no longer know."); saveuser(); } } } if ($op=="") { $count = getsetting("motditems", 5); $newcount = httpget("newcount"); if (!$newcount || !httppost('proceed')) $newcount=0; /* motditem("Beta!","Please see the beta message below.","","", ""); */ $m = httpget("month"); if ($m > ""){ $sql = "SELECT " . db_prefix("motd") . ".*,name AS motdauthorname FROM " . db_prefix("motd") . " LEFT JOIN " . db_prefix("accounts") . " ON " . db_prefix("accounts") . ".acctid = " . db_prefix("motd") . ".motdauthor WHERE motddate >= '{$m}-01' AND motddate <= '{$m}-31' ORDER BY motddate DESC"; $result = db_query_cached($sql,"motd-$m"); }else{ $sql = "SELECT " . db_prefix("motd") . ".*,name AS motdauthorname FROM " . db_prefix("motd") . " LEFT JOIN " . db_prefix("accounts") . " ON " . db_prefix("accounts") . ".acctid = " . db_prefix("motd") . ".motdauthor ORDER BY motddate DESC limit $newcount,".($newcount+$count); if ($newcount=0) //cache only the last x items $result = db_query_cached($sql,"motd"); else $result = db_query($sql); } while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($result)) { if (!isset($session['user']['lastmotd'])) $session['user']['lastmotd']=0; if ($row['motdauthorname']=="") $row['motdauthorname']="`@Green Dragon Staff`0"; if ($row['motdtype']==0){ motditem($row['motdtitle'], $row['motdbody'], $row['motdauthorname'], $row['motddate'], $row['motditem']); }else{ pollitem($row['motditem'], $row['motdtitle'], $row['motdbody'], $row['motdauthorname'],$row['motddate'], $row['motditem']); } } /* motditem("Beta!","For those who might be unaware, this website is still in beta mode. I'm working on it when I have time, which generally means a couple of changes a week. Feel free to drop suggestions, I'm open to anything :-)","","", ""); */ $result = db_query("SELECT mid(motddate,1,7) AS d, count(*) AS c FROM ".db_prefix("motd")." GROUP BY d ORDER BY d DESC"); $row = db_fetch_assoc($result); rawoutput("<form action='motd.php' method='GET'>"); output("MoTD Archives:"); rawoutput("<select name='month' onChange='this.form.submit();' >"); rawoutput("<option value=''>--Current--</option>"); while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($result)){ $time = strtotime("{$row['d']}-01"); $m = translate_inline(date("M",$time)); rawoutput ("<option value='{$row['d']}'".(httpget("month")==$row['d']?" selected":"").">$m".date(", Y",$time)." ({$row['c']})</option>"); } rawoutput("</select>".tlbutton_clear()); rawoutput("<input type='hidden' name='newcount' value='".($count+$newcount)."'>"); rawoutput("<input type='submit' value='>' name='proceed' class='button'>"); rawoutput(" <input type='submit' value='".translate_inline("Submit")."' class='button'>"); rawoutput("</form>"); commentdisplay("`n`@Commentary:`0`n", "motd"); } $session['needtoviewmotd']=false; $sql = "SELECT motddate FROM " . db_prefix("motd") ." ORDER BY motditem DESC LIMIT 1"; $result = db_query_cached($sql, "motddate"); $row = db_fetch_assoc($result); $session['user']['lastmotd']=$row['motddate']; popup_footer(); ?>