0) $stage = (int)httpget("stage"); else $stage = 0; if (!isset($session['stagecompleted'])) $session['stagecompleted']=-1; if ($stage > $session['stagecompleted']+1) $stage = $session['stagecompleted']; if (!isset($session['dbinfo'])) $session['dbinfo']=array("DB_HOST"=>"","DB_USER"=>"","DB_PASS"=>"","DB_NAME"=>""); if (file_exists("dbconnect.php") && ( $stage==3 || $stage==4 || $stage==5 )){ output("`%This stage was completed during a previous installation."); output("`2If you wish to perform stages 4 through 6 again, please delete the file named \"dbconnect.php\" from your site.`n`n"); $stage=6; } if ($stage > $session['stagecompleted']) $session['stagecompleted'] = $stage; page_header("LoGD Installer — %s",$stages[$stage]); switch($stage) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: case 9: case 10: require_once("lib/installer/installer_stage_$stage.php"); break; default: require_once("lib/installer/installer_stage_default.php"); break; } if (!$noinstallnavs){ if ($session['user']['loggedin']) addnav("Back to the game",$session['user']['restorepage']); addnav("Install Stages"); for ($x=0; $x<=min(count($stages)-1,$session['stagecompleted']+1); $x++){ if ($x == $stage) $stages[$x]="`^{$stages[$x]} <----"; addnav($stages[$x],"installer.php?stage=$x"); } } page_footer(false); ?>