"); output_notl("`c`b"); output($iname); output_notl("`b`c"); } $subop = httpget('subop'); $com = httpget('comscroll'); $comment = httppost('insertcommentary'); require_once("lib/partner.php"); $partner = get_partner(); addnav("Other"); villagenav(); addnav("I?Return to the Inn","inn.php"); switch ($op) { case "": case "strolldown": case "fleedragon": require("lib/inn/inn_default.php"); blocknav("inn.php"); break; case "converse": commentdisplay("You stroll over to a table, place your foot up on the bench and listen in on the conversation:`n", "inn","Add to the conversation?",20); break; case "bartender": require("lib/inn/inn_bartender.php"); break; case "room": require("lib/inn/inn_room.php"); break; } if (!$skipinndesc) rawoutput(""); page_footer(); ?>