"") { setcookie("template",$skin ,strtotime("+45 days")); $_COOKIE['template']=$skin; } } define("ALLOW_ANONYMOUS",true); require_once("common.php"); require_once("lib/http.php"); if (!isset($session['loggedin'])) $session['loggedin']=false; if ($session['loggedin']){ redirect("badnav.php"); } tlschema("home"); $op = httpget('op'); page_header(); output("`cWelcome to Legend of the Green Dragon, a browser based role playing game, based on Seth Able's Legend of the Red Dragon.`n"); if (getsetting("homecurtime", 1)) { output("`@The current time in %s is `%%s`@.`0`n", getsetting("villagename", LOCATION_FIELDS), getgametime()); } if (getsetting("homenewdaytime", 1)) { $secstonewday = secondstonextgameday(); output("`@Next new game day in: `\$%s (real time)`0`n`n", date("G\\".translate_inline("h","datetime").", i\\".translate_inline("m","datetime").", s\\".translate_inline("s","datetime"), $secstonewday)); } if (getsetting("homenewestplayer", 1)) { $name = ""; $newplayer = getsetting("newestplayer", ""); if ($newplayer != 0) { $sql = "SELECT name FROM " . db_prefix("accounts") . " WHERE acctid='$newplayer'"; $result = db_query_cached($sql, "newest"); $row = db_fetch_assoc($result); $name = $row['name']; } else { $name = $newplayer; } if ($name != "") { output("`QThe newest resident of the realm is: `&%s`0`n`n", $name); } } clearnav(); addnav("New to LoGD?"); addnav("Create a character","create.php"); addnav("Game Functions"); addnav("Forgotten Password","create.php?op=forgot"); addnav("List Warriors","list.php"); addnav("Daily News", "news.php"); addnav("Other Info"); addnav("About LoGD","about.php"); addnav("Game Setup Info", "about.php?op=setup"); addnav("LoGD Net","logdnet.php?op=list"); modulehook("index", array()); if (abs(getsetting("OnlineCountLast",0) - strtotime("now")) > 60){ $sql="SELECT count(acctid) as onlinecount FROM " . db_prefix("accounts") . " WHERE locked=0 AND loggedin=1 AND laston>'".date("Y-m-d H:i:s",strtotime("-".getsetting("LOGINTIMEOUT",900)." seconds"))."'"; $result = db_query($sql); $onlinecount = db_fetch_assoc($result); $onlinecount = $onlinecount ['onlinecount']; savesetting("OnlineCount",$onlinecount); savesetting("OnlineCountLast",strtotime("now")); }else{ $onlinecount = getsetting("OnlineCount",0); } if ($onlinecountread this article about them, and how to enable them.`b`n"); } if (isset($session['message']) && $session['message']>"") output_notl("`b`\$%s`b`n", $session['message'],true); rawoutput(""); rawoutput(""); $uname = translate_inline("Username"); $pass = translate_inline("Password"); $butt = translate_inline("Log in"); rawoutput("
"); output_notl("`c"); addnav("","login.php"); } else { output("`\$`bServer full!`b`n`^Please wait until some users have logged out.`n`n`0"); if ($op=="timeout"){ $session['message'].= translate_inline(" Your session has timed out, you must log in again.`n"); } if (!isset($_COOKIE['lgi'])){ $session['message'].=translate_inline("It appears that you may be blocking cookies from this site. At least session cookies must be enabled in order to use this site.`n"); $session['message'].=translate_inline("`b`#If you are not sure what cookies are, please read this article about them, and how to enable them.`b`n"); } if ($session['message']>"") output("`b`\$%s`b`n", $session['message'],true); rawoutput(templatereplace("loginfull",array())); output_notl("`c"); } $msg = getsetting("loginbanner","*BETA* This is a BETA of this website, things are likely to change now and again, as it is under active development *BETA*"); output_notl("`n`c`b`&%s`0`b`c`n", $msg); $session['message']=""; output("`c`2Game server running version: `@%s`0`c", $logd_version); if (getsetting("homeskinselect", 1)) { rawoutput("
"); rawoutput(""); rawoutput("
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