<?php // addnews ready // translator ready // mail ready require_once("common.php"); require_once("lib/commentary.php"); require_once("lib/villagenav.php"); require_once("lib/events.php"); require_once("lib/http.php"); tlschema("gardens"); page_header("The Gardens"); addcommentary(); $skipgardendesc = handle_event("gardens"); $op = httpget('op'); $com = httpget('comscroll'); $refresh = httpget("refresh"); $commenting = httpget("commenting"); $comment = httppost('insertcommentary'); // Don't give people a chance at a special event if they are just browsing // the commentary (or talking) or dealing with any of the hooks in the village. if (!$op && $com=="" && !$comment && !$refresh && !$commenting) { if (module_events("gardens", getsetting("gardenchance", 0)) != 0) { if (checknavs()) { page_footer(); } else { // Reset the special for good. $session['user']['specialinc'] = ""; $session['user']['specialmisc'] = ""; $skipgardendesc=true; $op = ""; httpset("op", ""); } } } if (!$skipgardendesc) { checkday(); output("`b`c`2The Gardens`0`c`b"); output("`n`nYou walk through a gate and on to one of the many winding paths that makes its way through the well-tended gardens."); output("From the flowerbeds that bloom even in darkest winter, to the hedges whose shadows promise forbidden secrets, these gardens provide a refuge for those seeking out the Green Dragon; a place where they can forget their troubles for a while and just relax.`n`n"); output("One of the fairies buzzing about the garden flies up to remind you that the garden is a place for roleplaying and peaceful conversation, and to confine out-of-character comments to the other areas of the game.`n`n"); } villagenav(); modulehook("gardens", array()); commentdisplay("", "gardens","Whisper here",30,"whispers"); module_display_events("gardens", "gardens.php"); page_footer(); ?>