<?php // translator ready // addnews ready // mail ready require_once("common.php"); require_once("lib/http.php"); require_once("lib/buffs.php"); require_once("lib/sanitize.php"); require_once("lib/villagenav.php"); tlschema('stables'); $basetext=array( "title"=>"Merick's Stables", "desc"=>array( "`7Behind the inn, and a little to the left of Ye Olde Bank, is as fine a stable as one might expect to find in any village. ", "In it, Merick, a burly looking dwarf tends to various beasts.`n`n", array("You approach, and he whirls around, pointing a pitchfork in your general direction, \"`&Ach, sorry m'%s, I dinnae hear ya' comin' up on me, an' I thoht fer sure ye were %s`&; he what been tryin' to improve on his dwarf tossin' skills. ",translate_inline($session['user']['sex']?'lass':'lad'),getsetting('barkeep','`tCedrik')), "Naahw, wha' can oye do fer ya?`7\" he asks.", ), "nosuchbeast"=>"`7\"`&Ach, thar dinnae be any such beestie here!`7\" shouts the dwarf!", "finebeast"=>array( "`7\"`&Aye, tha' be a foyne beastie indeed!`7\" comments the dwarf.`n`n", "`7\"`&Ye cert'nly have an oye fer quality!`7\" exclaims the dwarf.`n`n", "`7\"`&Och, this beastie will serve ye well indeed,`7\" says the dwarf.`n`n", "`7\"`&That beastie be one o' me finest!`7\" says the dwarf with pride.`n`n", "`7\"`&Ye couldnae hae made a foyner choice o' beasts!`7\" says the dwarf with pride.`n`n" ), "toolittle"=>"`7Merick looks at you sorta sideways. \"`&'Ere, whadday ya think yeer doin'? Cannae ye see that %s`& costs `^%s`& gold an' `%%s`& gems?`7\"", "replacemount"=>"`7You hand over the reins to %s`7 and the purchase price of your new critter, and Merick leads out a fine new `&%s`7 for you!`n`n", "newmount"=>"`7You hand over the purchase price of your new critter, and Merick leads out a fine `&%s`7 for you!`n`n", "nofeed"=>"`7\"`&Ach, m'%s, what dae ye think this is, a hostelry? I cannae feed yer critter here!`7\"`nMerick thumps you on the back good naturedly, and sends you on your way.", "nothungry"=>"%s`7 isn't hungry. Merick hands your gold back.", "halfhungry"=>"%s`7 pinches a bit of the given food and leaves the rest alone. %s`7 is fully restored. Because there is still more than half of the food left, Merick gives you 50%% discount.`nYou only pay %s gold.", "hungry"=>"%s`7 eats all the food greedily.`n%s`7 is fully restored and you give your %s gold to Merick.", "mountfull"=>"`n`7\"`&Aye, there ye go %s, yer %s`& be full o' foyne grub. I willnae be able t' feed 'em again 'til the morrow though. Well, enjoy ye day!`7\"`nMerick whistles a jaunty tune and heads back to work.", "nofeedgold"=>"`7You don't have enough gold with you to pay for the food. Merick refuses to feed your creature and advises you to look for somewhere else to let %s`7 graze for free, such as in the `@Forest`7.", "confirmsale"=>"`n`n`7Merick whistles. \"`&Yer mount shure is a foyne one, %s. Are ye sure ye wish t' part wae it?`7\"`n`nHe waits for your answer.`0", "mountsold"=>"`7As sad as it is to do so, you give up your precious %s`7, and a lone tear escapes your eye.`n`nHowever, the moment you spot the %s, you find that you're feeling quite a bit better.", "offer"=>"`n`n`&Merick offers you `^%s`& gold and `%%s`& gems for %s`7.", "lass"=>"lass", "lad"=>"lad", ); $schemas = array( 'title'=>'stables', 'desc'=>'stables', 'nosuchbeast'=>'stables', 'finebeast'=>'stables', 'toolittle'=>'stables', 'replacemount'=>'stables', 'newmount'=>'stables', 'nofeed'=>'stables', 'nothungry'=>'stables', 'halfhungry'=>'stables', 'hungry'=>'stables', 'mountfull'=>'stables', 'nofeedgold'=>'stables', 'confirmsale'=>'stables', 'mountsold'=>'stables', 'offer'=>'stables', ); $basetext['schemas']=$schemas; $texts = modulehook("stabletext", $basetext); $schemas = $texts['schemas']; tlschema($schemas['title']); page_header($texts['title']); tlschema(); addnav("Other"); villagenav(); modulehook("stables-nav"); require_once("lib/mountname.php"); list($name, $lcname) = getmountname(); $repaygold = 0; $repaygems = 0; $grubprice = 0; if ($playermount) { $repaygold = round($playermount['mountcostgold']*2/3,0); $repaygems = round($playermount['mountcostgems']*2/3,0); $grubprice = round($session['user']['level']*$playermount['mountfeedcost'], 0); } $confirm = 0; $op = httpget('op'); $id = httpget('id'); global $playermount; if ($op==""){ checkday(); tlschema($schemas['desc']); if (is_array($texts['desc'])) { foreach ($texts['desc'] as $description) { output_notl(sprintf_translate($description)); } } else { output($texts['desc']); } tlschema(); modulehook("stables-desc"); }elseif($op=="examine"){ $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . db_prefix("mounts") . " WHERE mountid='$id'"; $result = db_query_cached($sql, "mountdata-$id", 3600); if (db_num_rows($result)<=0){ tlschema($schemas['nosuchbeast']); output($texts['nosuchbeast']); tlschema(); }else{ // Idea taken from Robert of dragonprime.cawsquad.net $t = e_rand(0,count($texts['finebeast'])-1); tlschema($schemas['finebeast']); output($texts['finebeast'][$t]); tlschema(); $mount = db_fetch_assoc($result); output("`7Creature: `&%s`0`n", $mount['mountname']); output("`7Description: `&%s`0`n", $mount['mountdesc']); output("`7Cost: `^%s`& gold, `%%s`& gems`n`n", $mount['mountcostgold'], $mount['mountcostgems']); addnav(array("New %s", $mount['mountname'])); addnav("Buy this creature","stables.php?op=buymount&id={$mount['mountid']}"); } }elseif($op=='buymount'){ if ($session['user']['hashorse']) { tlschema($schemas['confirmsale']); output($texts['confirmsale'], ($session['user']['sex']?$texts["lass"]:$texts["lad"])); tlschema(); addnav("Confirm trade"); addnav("Yes", "stables.php?op=confirmbuy&id=$id"); addnav("No","stables.php"); $confirm = 1; } else { $op="confirmbuy"; httpset("op",$op); } } if ($op == 'confirmbuy') { $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . db_prefix("mounts") . " WHERE mountid='$id'"; $result = db_query_cached($sql, "mountdata-$id", 3600); if (db_num_rows($result)<=0){ tlschema($schemas['nosuchbeast']); output($texts['nosuchbeast']); tlschema(); }else{ $mount = db_fetch_assoc($result); if (($session['user']['gold']+$repaygold) < $mount['mountcostgold'] || ($session['user']['gems']+$repaygems) < $mount['mountcostgems']){ tlschema($schemas['toolittle']); output($texts['toolittle'], $mount['mountname'], $mount['mountcostgold'], $mount['mountcostgems']); tlschema(); }else{ if ($session['user']['hashorse']>0){ tlschema($schemas['replacemount']); output($texts['replacemount'], $lcname, $mount['mountname']); tlschema(); }else{ tlschema($schemas['newmount']); output($texts['newmount'], $mount['mountname']); tlschema(); } $debugmount1=isset($playermount['mountname'])?$playermount['mountname']:false; if ($debugmount1) $debugmount1="a ".$debugmount1; $session['user']['hashorse']=$mount['mountid']; $debugmount2=$mount['mountname']; $goldcost = $repaygold-$mount['mountcostgold']; $session['user']['gold']+=$goldcost; $gemcost = $repaygems-$mount['mountcostgems']; $session['user']['gems']+=$gemcost; debuglog(($goldcost <= 0?"spent ":"gained ") . abs($goldcost) . " gold and " . ($gemcost <= 0?"spent ":"gained ") . abs($gemcost) . " gems trading $debugmount1 for a new mount, a $debugmount2"); $buff = unserialize($mount['mountbuff']); if ($buff['schema'] == "") $buff['schema'] = "mounts"; apply_buff('mount',unserialize($mount['mountbuff'])); // Recalculate so the selling stuff works right $playermount = getmount($mount['mountid']); $repaygold = round($playermount['mountcostgold']*2/3,0); $repaygems = round($playermount['mountcostgems']*2/3,0); // Recalculate the special name as well. modulehook("stable-mount", array()); modulehook("boughtmount"); require_once("lib/mountname.php"); list($name, $lcname) = getmountname(); $grubprice = round($session['user']['level']*$playermount['mountfeedcost'], 0); } } }elseif($op=='feed'){ if (getsetting("allowfeed", 0) == 0) { tlschema($schemas['nofeed']); output($texts['nofeed'], ($session['user']['sex']?$texts["lass"]:$texts["lad"])); tlschema(); } elseif($session['user']['gold']>=$grubprice) { $buff = unserialize($playermount['mountbuff']); if (!isset($buff['schema']) || $buff['schema'] == "") $buff['schema'] = "mounts"; if (isset($session['bufflist']['mount']) && $session['bufflist']['mount']['rounds'] == $buff['rounds']) { tlschema($schemas['nothungry']); output($texts['nothungry'],$name); tlschema(); } else { if (isset($session['bufflist']['mount']) && $session['bufflist']['mount']['rounds'] > $buff['rounds']*.5) { $grubprice=round($grubprice/2,0); tlschema($schemas['halfhungry']); output($texts['halfhungry'], $name, $name, $grubprice); tlschema(); $session['user']['gold']-=$grubprice; }else{ $session['user']['gold']-=$grubprice; tlschema($schemas['hungry']); output($texts['hungry'], $name, $name, $grubprice); tlschema(); } debuglog("spent $grubprice feeding their mount"); apply_buff('mount',$buff); $session['user']['fedmount'] = 1; tlschema($schemas['mountfull']); output($texts['mountfull'], ($session['user']['sex']?$texts["lass"]:$texts["lad"]), ($playermount['basename']? $playermount['basename']:$playermount['mountname'])); tlschema(); } } else { tlschema($schemas['nofeedgold']); output($texts['nofeedgold'], $lcname); tlschema(); } }elseif($op=='sellmount'){ tlschema($schemas['confirmsale']); output($texts['confirmsale'], ($session['user']['sex']?$texts["lass"]:$texts["lad"])); tlschema(); addnav("Confirm sale"); addnav("Yes", "stables.php?op=confirmsell"); addnav("No","stables.php"); $confirm = 1; }elseif($op=='confirmsell'){ $session['user']['gold']+=$repaygold; $session['user']['gems']+=$repaygems; $debugmount=$playermount['mountname']; debuglog("gained $repaygold gold and $repaygems gems selling their mount, a $debugmount"); strip_buff('mount'); $session['user']['hashorse']=0; modulehook("soldmount"); $amtstr = ""; if ($repaygold > 0) { $amtstr .= "%s gold"; } if ($repaygems > 0) { if ($repaygold) $amtstr .= " and "; $amtstr .= "%s gems"; } if ($repaygold > 0 && $repaygems > 0) { $amtstr = sprintf_translate($amtstr, $repaygold, $repaygems); } elseif ($repaygold > 0) { $amtstr = sprintf_translate($amtstr, $repaygold); } else { $amtstr = sprintf_translate($amtstr, $repaygems); } tlschema($schemas['mountsold']); output($texts['mountsold'], ($playermount['newname']? $playermount['newname']:$playermount['mountname']), $amtstr); tlschema(); } if ($confirm == 0) { if ($session['user']['hashorse']>0){ addnav(array("%s", color_sanitize($name))); tlschema($schemas['offer']); output($texts['offer'], $repaygold, $repaygems, $lcname); tlschema(); addnav(array("Sell %s`0", $lcname),"stables.php?op=sellmount"); if (getsetting("allowfeed", 0) && $session['user']['fedmount']==0) { addnav(array("Feed %s`0 (`^%s`0 gold)", $lcname, $grubprice), "stables.php?op=feed"); } } $sql = "SELECT mountname,mountid,mountcategory,mountdkcost FROM " . db_prefix("mounts") . " WHERE mountactive=1 AND mountlocation IN ('all','{$session['user']['location']}') ORDER BY mountcategory,mountcostgems,mountcostgold"; $result = db_query($sql); $category=""; $number=db_num_rows($result); for ($i=0;$i<$number;$i++){ $row = db_fetch_assoc($result); if ($category!=$row['mountcategory']){ addnav(array("%s", $row['mountcategory'])); $category = $row['mountcategory']; } if ($row['mountdkcost'] <= $session['user']['dragonkills']) addnav(array("Examine %s`0", $row['mountname']),"stables.php?op=examine&id={$row['mountid']}"); } } page_footer(); ?>