<?php page_header("Clan Halls"); $registrar=getsetting('clanregistrar','`%Karissa'); addnav("Clan Options"); output("`b`c`&Clan Halls`c`b"); if ($op=="apply"){ require_once("lib/clan/applicant_apply.php"); }elseif ($op=="new"){ require_once("lib/clan/applicant_new.php"); }else{ output("`7You stand in the center of a great marble lobby filled with pillars."); output("All around the walls of the lobby are various doors which lead to various clan halls."); output("The doors each possess a variety of intricate mechanisms which are obviously elaborate locks designed to be opened only by those who have been educated on how to operate them."); output("Nearby, you watch another warrior glance about nervously to make sure no one is watching before touching various levers and knobs on the door."); output("With a large metallic \"Chunk\" the lock on the door disengages, and the door swings silently open, admitting the warrior before slamming shut.`n`n"); output("In the center of the lobby sits a highly polished desk, behind which sits `%%s`7, the clan registrar.",$registrar); output("She can take your filing for a new clan, or accept your application to an existing clan.`n`n"); /*//*/ modulehook("clan-enter"); if ($op=="withdraw"){ $session['user']['clanid']=0; $session['user']['clanrank']=CLAN_APPLICANT; $session['user']['clanjoindate']='0000-00-00 00:00:00'; output("`7You tell `%%s`7 that you're no longer interested in joining %s.",$registrar, $claninfo['clanname']); output("She reaches into her desk, withdraws your application, and tears it up. \"`5You wouldn't have been happy there anyhow, I don't think,`7\" as she tosses the shreds in her trash can."); $claninfo = array(); $sql = "DELETE FROM " . db_prefix("mail") . " WHERE msgfrom=0 AND seen=0 AND subject='".serialize($apply_subj)."'"; db_query($sql); output("You are not a member of any clan."); addnav("Apply for Membership to a Clan","clan.php?op=apply"); addnav("Apply for a New Clan","clan.php?op=new"); }else{ if (isset($claninfo['clanid']) && $claninfo["clanid"]>0){ //applied for membership to a clan output("`7You approach `%%s`7 who smiles at you, but lets you know that your application to %s hasn't yet been accepted.",$registrar,$claninfo['clanname']); output("Perhaps you'd like to take a seat in the waiting area, she suggests."); addnav("Waiting Area","clan.php?op=waiting"); addnav("Withdraw Application","clan.php?op=withdraw"); }else{ //hasn't applied for membership to any clan. output("You are not a member of any clan."); addnav("Apply for Membership to a Clan","clan.php?op=apply"); addnav("Apply for a New Clan","clan.php?op=new"); } } } ?>