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@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
The Drinks module will unfortunately not install correctly, but this is a quick fix to get it working again :)
STEP 1: In your Superuser Grotto select Run Raw SQL
STEP 2: Paste the following in the text box to create the table:
CREATE TABLE `drinks` (
`drinkid` smallint(6) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`name` varchar(25) NOT NULL default '',
`active` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
`costperlevel` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`hpchance` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
`turnchance` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
`alwayshp` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
`alwaysturn` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
`drunkeness` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
`harddrink` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
`hpmin` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`hpmax` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`hppercent` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`turnmin` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`turnmax` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`remarks` text NOT NULL default '',
`buffname` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
`buffrounds` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
`buffroundmsg` varchar(75) NOT NULL default '',
`buffwearoff` varchar(75) NOT NULL default '',
`buffatkmod` text NOT NULL,
`buffdefmod` text NOT NULL,
`buffdmgmod` text NOT NULL,
`buffdmgshield` text NOT NULL,
`buffeffectfailmsg` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`buffeffectnodmgmsg` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`buffeffectmsg` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
PRIMARY KEY (`drinkid`)
STEP 3: Next paste this to populate the table with drink data:
INSERT INTO `drinks` (`drinkid`, `name`, `active`, `costperlevel`, `hpchance`, `turnchance`, `alwayshp`, `alwaysturn`, `drunkeness`, `harddrink`, `hpmin`, `hpmax`, `hppercent`, `turnmin`, `turnmax`, `remarks`, `buffname`, `buffrounds`, `buffroundmsg`, `buffwearoff`, `buffatkmod`, `buffdefmod`, `buffdmgmod`, `buffdmgshield`, `buffeffectfailmsg`, `buffeffectnodmgmsg`, `buffeffectmsg`) VALUES
(1, 'Ale', 1, 10, 2, 1, 0, 0, 33, 0, 0, 0, 10, 1, 1, 'Cedrik pulls out a glass, and pours a foamy ale from a tapped barrel behind him. He slides it down the bar, and you catch it with your warrior-like reflexes.`n`nTurning around, you take a big chug of the hearty draught, and give {lover} an ale-foam mustache smile.`n`n', '`#Buzz', 10, 'You\'ve got a nice buzz going.', 'Your buzz fades.', '1.25', '0', '0', '0', '', '', ''),
(2, 'Habanero Martini', 1, 15, 0, 0, 1, 1, 50, 1, -5, 15, 0.0, -1, 1, 'Cedrik pulls out a bottle labeled with 3 X\'s and a chile pepper and pours a miniscule shot into your glass. You toss it back and grimace as smoke floods out of your ears.', '`\$Hot Hands', 12, 'You feel like your hands are about to burn off.', 'Finally, your hands are no longer burning.', '1.1', '.9', '1.5', '0', '', '', ''),
(3, 'Mule Daniels', 1, 25, 2, 3, 0, 0, 50, 1, -10, -1, 0.0, 1, 3, 'Cedrik drags a large pony-keg out from behind the bar and pours a slug into a cast iron cup which rattles as the thick liquid is poured into it. You toss it back in a gulp and make a facelike a mule kicked you hard in the gut. From across the room, you hear {lover} laugh at you.', '`#Mulekick', 15, 'You hear a donkey braying in the distance', 'That donkey finally shuts up.', '0', '0', '1.3', '1.3', 'Your head rings as the donkey kicks you instead.', 'That mule would have kicked {badguy} to the moon, but it missed!', '{badguy} sees`$ {damage}`) stars as the mule kicks him over the moon.');
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
The Riddles module will unfortunately not install correctly, but this is a quick fix to get it working again :)
STEP 1: In your Superuser Grotto select Run Raw SQL
STEP 2: Paste the following in the text box to create the table:
CREATE TABLE `riddles` (id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, riddle mediumtext NOT NULL, answer tinytext NOT NULL, author varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'System', PRIMARY KEY (id));
STEP 3: Next paste this to populate the table with riddle data:
INSERT INTO `riddles` (`id`, `riddle`, `answer`, `author`) VALUES
(1,'You eat something you neither plant nor plow.`nIt is the son of water, but if water touches it, it dies.','Salt','System'),
(2,'Teacher, open thy book.','A butterfly','System'),
(3,'My tines are long.`nMy tines are short.`nMy tines end ere`nMy first report.','Lightning; lightning bolt','System'),
(4,'Turn us on our backs`nAnd open up our stomachs`nYou will be the wisest of men`nThough at start a lummox.','A book','System'),
(5,'Bury deep,`nPile on stones,`nYet I will`nDig up the bones.','Memories','System'),
(6,'It occurs once in every minute`nTwice in every moment`nAnd yet never in one hundred thousand years.','The letter \'M\'; M','System'),
(7,'Never ahead, ever behind,`nYet flying swiftly past;`nFor a child I last forever,`nFor adults I\'m gone too fast.','Childhood;youth','System'),
(8,'Two horses, swiftest travelling,`nHarnessed in a pair, and`nGrazing ever in places`nDistant from them.','Your eyes; the sun and the moon','System'),
(9,'It can be said:`nTo be gold is to be good;`nTo be stone is to be nothing;`nTo be glass is to be fragile;`nTo be cold is to be cruel.`nUnmetaphored, what am I?','A heart','System'),
(10,'Round she is, yet flat as a board`nAltar of the Lupine Lords.`nJewel on black velvet, pearl in the sea`nUnchanged but e\'erchanging, eternally.','The moon','System'),
(11,'It has a golden head`nIt has a golden tail`nbut it hasn\'t got a body.','A golden coin; coin','System'),
(12,'Speak, friend, and enter!','Friend','System'),
(13,'A leathery snake,`nWith a stinging bite,`nI\'ll stay coiled up,`nUnless I must fight.','A whip','System'),
(14,'What has roots as nobody sees,`nIs taller than trees,`nUp, up it goes,`nAnd yet never grows?','A mountain','System'),
(15,'Thirty white horses on a red hill,`nFirst they champ,`nThen they stamp,`nThen they stand still.','Your teeth','System'),
(16,'Voiceless it cries,`nWingless it flutters,`nToothless bites,`nMouthless mutters.','The wind','System'),
(17,'It cannot be seen, cannot be felt,`nCannot be heard, cannot be smelt.`nIt lies behind stars and under hills,`nAnd empty holes it fills.`nIt comes first and follows after,`nEnds life, kills laughter.','The darkness','System'),
(18,'A box without hinges, key, or lid,`nYet golden treasure inside is hid.','Eggs; oranges','System'),
(19,'Alive without breath,`nAs cold as death;`nNever thirsty, ever drinking,`nAll in mail never clinking.','A fish','System'),
(20,'This thing all things devours:`nBirds, beast, trees, flowers;`nGnaws iron, bites steel;`nGrinds hard stones to meal;`nSlays king, ruins town,`nAnd beats high mountain down.','Time','System'),
(21,'You feel it, but never see it and never will.','Your heart','System'),
(22,'You must keep it after giving it.','Your word;promise','System'),
(23,'As light as a feather, but you can\'t hold it for ten minutes.','Your breath','System'),
(24,'Has a mouth but does not speak, has a bed but never sleeps.','A river','System'),
(25,'Runs smoother than any rhyme, loves to fall but cannot climb!','Water','System'),
(26,'You break it even if you name it!','Silence','System'),
(27,'It passes before the sun and makes no shadow.','The air','System'),
(28,'You feed it, it lives, you give it something to drink, it dies.','A fire','System'),
(29,'A red drum which sounds`nWithout being touched,`nAnd grows silent,`nWhen it is touched.','Your heart','System'),
(30,'A harvest sown and reaped on the same day`nIn an unplowed field,`nWhich increases without growing,`nRemains whole though it is eaten`nWithin and without,`nIs useless and yet`nThe staple of nations.','A war','System'),
(31,'If you break me`nI do not stop working,`nIf you touch me`nI may be snared,`nIf you lose me`nNothing will matter.','Hope','System'),
(32,'All about, but cannot be seen,`nCan be captured, cannot be held`nNo throat, but can be heard.','Sounds; noises; wind','System'),
(33,'I go around in circles,`nBut always straight ahead`nNever complain,`nNo matter where I am led.','A wheel','System'),
(34,'Lighter than what`nI am made of,`nMore of me is hidden`nThan is seen.','An iceberg','System'),
(35,'If a man carried my burden,`nHe would break his back.`nI am not rich,`nBut leave silver in my track.','A snail','System'),
(36,'My life can be measured in hours,`nI serve by being devoured.`nThin, I am quick`nFat, I am slow`nWind is my foe.','A candle','System'),
(37,'Weight in my belly,`nTrees on my back,`nNails in my ribs,`nFeet I do lack.','A boat; a cave; a ship','System'),
(38,'You can see nothing else`nWhen you look in my face`nI will look you in the eye`nAnd I will never lie.','A mirror','System'),
(39,'I am always hungry,`nI must always be fed,`nThe finger I lick`nWill soon turn red.','A fire','System'),
(40,'Three lives have I.`nGentle enough to soothe the skin,`nLight enough to caress the sky`nHard enough to crack rocks.','Water','System'),
(41,'Glittering points`nThat downward thrust,`nSparkling spears`nThat never rust.','Icicles','System'),
(42,'Each morning I appear`nTo lie at your feet,`nAll day I follow`nNo matter how fast you run,`nYet I nearly perish`nIn the midday sun.','A shadow','System'),
(43,'Keys without locks`nYet I unlock the soul.','A piano; a harpsichord; music; song; notes','System'),
(44,'I am so simple,`nThat I can only point`nYet I guide men`nAll over the world.','A compass','System'),
(45,'For our ambrosia we were blessed,`nby Jupiter, with a sting of death.`nThough our might, to some is jest,`nwe have quelled the dragon\'s breath.`nWho are we?','Bees','System'),
(46,'Colored as a maiden tweaked,`ntime was naught when I began;`nthrough the garden I was sneaked,`nI alone am the fall of man.`nWhat am I?','An apple','System'),
(47,'One where none should be,`nor maybe where two should be,`nseeking out purity,`nin the kings trees.`nWhat am I?','A unicorn','System'),
(48,'One tooth to bite,`nhe\'s the forests foe.`nOne tooth to fight,`nas all Norse know.`nWhat is it?','An axe','System'),
(49,'The part of the bird`nthat is not in the sky,`nwhich can swim in the ocean`nand always stay dry.`nWhat is it?','The bird\'s shadow; shadow','System'),
(50,'The root tops the trunk`non this backward thing,`nthat grows in the winter`nand dies in the spring.`nWhat is it?','An icicle','System'),
(51,'Touching one, yet holding two,`nit is a one link chain`nbinding those who keep words true,`n\'til death rent it in twain.`nWhat is it?','A wedding ring; ring','System'),
(52,'The wise and knowledgeable man is sure of it.`nEven the fool knows it.`nThe rich man wants it.`nThe greatest of heroes fears it.`nYet the lowliest of cowards would die for it.`nWhat is this upon which I ponder?','Nothing; something','System'),
(53,'What is greater than God,`nWorse than the Devil,`nDead man eat it,`nIf you eat it you\'ll die.','Nothing','System'),
(54,'I am a wonderful help to women,`nThe hope of something to come. I harm`nNo citizen except my slayer.`nRooted I stand on a high bed.`nI am shaggy below. Sometimes the beautiful`nPeasant\'s daughter, an eager-armed,`nProud woman grabs my body,`nRushes my red skin, holds me hard,`nClaims my head. The curly-haired`nWoman who catches me fast will feel`nOur meeting. Her eye will be wet.','An onion','System'),
(55,'Power and treasure for a prince to hold,`nHard and steep-cheeked, wrapped in red`nGold and garnet, ripped from a plain`nOf bright flowers, wrought - a remnant`nOf fire and file, bound in stark beauty`nWith delicate wire, my grip makes`nWarriors weep, my sting threatens`nThe hand that grasps gold. Studded`nWith a ring, I ravage heir and heirloom.`nTo my lord and foes always lovely`nAnd deadly, altering face and form.','A sword','System'),
(56,'As I was going to St. Ives,`nI met a man with seven wives;`nEvery wife had seven sacks,`nEvery sack had seven cats,`nEvery cat had seven kits:`nKits, cats, sacks, and wives,`nHow many were there going to St. Ives?','One;1','System'),
(57,'Dawns away,`nThe day\'s turned grey,`nAnd I must travel far away.`nBut I\'ll be back,`nAnd then we\'ll track,`nThe light of yet another day.','The sun; a shadow','System'),
(58,'Deep, dark, underground,`nThat is the place where I\'ll be found.`nYet brought into the light of day,`nI sprinkle sunlight every-which-a-way.`nThough dulled with oil I will be found,`nI am remarkably well and throughly sound.`nCut me quick and it will be seen,`nThat I instantly have a marvelous sheen.','A diamond; a gem','System'),
(59,'What must be in the oven yet can not be baked?`nGrows in the heat yet shuns the light of day?`nWhat sinks in water but rises with air?`nLooks like skin, but is fine as hair?','Yeast','System'),
(60,'Little Johnny Walker,`nMy, but he was a talker!`nYet nary a word did he say!`nWhen I took him out,`nThen they would all point and shout!`nAnd ask that I put him away.','Your opinions','System'),
(61,'They are many and one,`nThey wave and they drum,`nUsed to cover a stare,`nThey go with you everywhere.','Your hands','System'),
(62,'Stomp, stomp,`nChomp, chomp,`nRomp, romp.`nStanding still,`nall in gear.','Horses','System'),
(63,'Sweet tooth,`nAh shoot,`nAll gone,`nWe all long,`nFor another piece of it.','Candy','System'),
(64,'It comes in on little cat\'s feet,`nIs neither sour, nor sweet.`nHovers in the air,`nAnd then is not there.','Fog; mist','System'),
(65,'A laugh,`nA cry,`nA moan,`nA sigh.','Emotions','System'),
(66,'What is it you have to answer?`nBut to answer you have to ask?`nAnd to ask you have to speak?`nAnd to speak you have to know,`nThe answer.','A riddle','System'),
(67,'I can hit you in the eye,`nYet twinkle in the sky,`nExpanding when I die,`nWhat do you think am I?','A star','System'),
(68,'Squishes,`nSquashes,`nWishes I washes,`nCan get it in my hair,`nMakes me not look too fair.','Mud','System'),
(69,'Up a hill,`nDown a hill,`nOver them I may roam,`nBut after all my walking,`nThere\'s no place like my own.','Your home','System'),
(70,'This thing is a most amazing thing.`nFor it can be both as sharp as a knife,`nOr as flat as a floor.`nAnd yet, for all that it can be,`nIt is as natural as a bee.','Music; Notes','System'),
(71,'Deep, deep, do they go.`nSpreading out as they go.`nNever needing any air.`nThey are sometimes as fine as hair.','Roots','System'),
(72,'Oh Lord! I am not worthy!`nI bend my limbs to the ground.`nI cry, yet without a sound.`nLet me drink of waters deep.`nAnd in silence I will weep.','A willow; weeping willow; willow tree; weeping willow tree','System'),
(73,'Shifting, Shifting, Drifting deep.`nBelow me great and mighty cities sleep.`nSwirling, Scurlling, All around.`nI\'m only where no water will be found.','The desert','System'),
(74,'I bubble and laugh`nAnd spit water in your face.`nI am no lady,`nAnd I don\'t wear lace.','A fountain','System'),
(75,'What has wings,`nBut can not fly.`nIs enclosed,`nBut can outside also lie.`nCan open itself up,`nOr close itself away.`nIs the place of kings and queens,`nAnd doggerel of every means.`nWhat is it upon which I stand?`nWhich can lead us to different lands.','A stage','System'),
(76,'Do not begrudge this,`nFor it is the fate of every man.`nYet it is feared,`nAnd shunned in many lands.`nCauses problems, and sometimes gaps,`nCan hobble the strongest, and make memory lapse.`nWhat is this danger we all face?`nFor being a part - of the human race.','Growing old; age; old age','System'),
(77,'Of these things - I have two.`nOne for me - and one for you.`nAnd when you ask about the price,`nI simply smile and nod twice.','Sharing','System'),
(78,'I am a strange creature,`nHovering in the air,`nMoving from here to there,`nWith a brilliant flare.`nSome say I sing,`nBut others say I have no voice.`nSo I just hum - as a matter of choice.`nWhat am I?','A hummingbird','System'),
(79,'Sleeping during the day,`nI hide away.`nWatchful through the night,`nI open at dawn\'s light.`nBut only for the briefest time,`nDo I shine.`nAnd then I hide away,`nAnd sleep through the day.','A morning glory','System'),
(80,'Looks like water,`nBut its heat.`nSits on sand,`nLays on concrete.`nPeople have been known,`nTo follow it everywhere.`nBut it gets them no place,`nAnd all they can do is stare.','A mirage','System'),
(81,'A part of heaven,`nThough it touches the earth.`nSome say it\'s valuable,`nOthers - no worth.','A rainbow','System'),
(82,'I stand,`nAnd look across the sea,`nWith its waves, crests, troughs, and valleys.`nI stride,`nAcross this water, my horse following after,`nAnd while it laps against his withers,`nAnd brushes against my thighs,`nI fill the emptiness with laughter.`nAnd he - with his sighs.`nWhether do we go?`nOr do we go at all?`nOr are we simply out here wading,`nTo the next port of call.`nWhere the sea ends,`nWhere the loam lays firm beneath my feet,`nAnd I can mount my steed again,`nAnd continue til next we meet.`nWhat is really being talked about?','The open plains; plain; prairie','System'),
(83,'I was born blind,`nAnd could not see,`nUntil it was a quarter of three.`nI could not smile,`nTil half past six,`nAnd all of my arms and legs`nWere made of sticks.','A doll','System'),
(84,'Ah! My breath doth shake,`nMy limbs are thin,`nMy belly aches.`nWhiteness doth crown my head,`nAnd the tracks I leave,`nAre unsteady where I\'ve led.`nI look out through rheumy eyes,`nAnd seem to say my last goodbyes.`nThe darkness doth draw me near,`nI lean towards it - the better to hear.','Old age; age','System'),
(85,'Hick-a-more, Hack-a-more,`nOn the King\'s kitchen door.`nAll the King\'s horses,`nAnd all the King\'s men,`nCouldn\'t get Hick-a-more, Hack-a-more,`nOff the King\'s kitchen door.','Sunlight','System'),
(86,'It was asked of me what I could be made,`nAnd so people were fed from me.`nIt was asked of me what I could be made,`nAnd so houses were built.`nIt was asked of me what I could be made,`nAnd so things were written.`nIt was asked of me what I could be made,`nAnd so I fertilized the ground.`nBut when asked more of what I could be made,`nThere was nothing to be found.','A tree','System'),
(87,'With this you can do wonderous things.`nLook at things close, or far away,`nYou can see things big,`nOr you can see things small.`nOr maybe you don\'t see things at all.`nI come in many colors and hues,`nSometimes green and sometimes blue.`nAnd when I\'m red - it\'s not from shame,`nBut from something with a different name.','Your eyes','System'),
(88,'Oh how I love my dancing feet!`nThey stay together - oh so neat.`nAnd when I want to walk a line,`nThey all stay together and do double time.`nI count them up, ten times or more,`nAnd race on-off, across the floor.','A centipede; millipede','System'),
(89,'A muttered rumble was heard from the pen,`nAnd I, in my walking, stopped to look in.`nWhat was this I saw?`nA massive beast, hooved, and jawed.`nWith spikes upon its mighty brow,`nI watched as he struck the turf and prowled.`nAnd yet for all of his magnificience,`nHe couldn\'t get out of that wooden fence.','A bull','System'),
(90,'Twas the night of the day`nin which I must relay`nthat in which I took part in.`nFor the sun was out`nand without so much as a shout`nhe quietly went in.`nTwas ever so queer`nI thought he would leer`nbut never a word did I get in.`nFor without another word`n(at least that\'s what I heard)`nHe was back to the place he\'d been in.','An eclipse','System'),
(91,'From sun up to sun down I stare out across the sea.`nFrom sun down to sun up I stare out across the sea.`nBut while with sun up I can only blink in the brightness.`nWith the sun down I can blink out the brightness.','A lighthouse','System'),
(92,'A lot of bark,`nBut no one notices.`nA lot to bite,`nAnd everyone cares.`nI\'m not a dog,`nIf anyone notices.`nAnd there\'s a lot to me,`nBut I don\'t have hair.`nI stand up straight,`nIf you\'ve noticed me.`nI\'ve got lots of limbs,`nIf anyone cares.`nI can give you shade,`nIf you\'ve noticed it.`nAnd I do even more,`nI give you air.','A tree','System'),
(93,'Twas in December or June,`nWhen my lady did swoon.`nWhen her hair did fall off,`nAnd her glasses were lost.`nWhen she did scream,`nIn a manner most obscene.`nWhile pointing at me,`nAnd saying <20>Eeeeee! Eeeeee!<21>`nI must say it was all a bit much,`nSince no one did I touch.`nBut it was quite apparent,`nThat something was errant.`nSo I decided to come back another day,`nWhen, mayhap, she was away.','A mouse','System'),
(94,'I drift,`nAs slowly as a lazy river.`nI dance,`nUpon as little as a puff of air.`nI tumble,`nBetter than the greatest acrobat.`nSwirling,`nTwirling,`nDown to the ground.`nWhere I lie,`nTil I get my second wind.`nSo I can begin again.','A leaf','System'),
(95,'A riddle, easily solved.`nRed breasted.`nOnly one in a field of many.`nBorn in an egg.`nInspired to sing.`nNow gather the letters and tell me what I mean.','A robin','System'),
(96,'I have four of these,`nWith matching extremities.`nThey can do many things,`nAnd hardly ever bring me pain.`nUnless I stick them with a pin,`nOr burn them sometimes when...`nWhat is it that I can wiggle at will?`nAnd use in other means still?','Fingers','System'),
(97,'When I looked upon the flames of his passion,`nAnd the coolness of her touch,`nI knew tragedy could only come from their union.`nAnd indeed, when they came together,`nDarkness reigned upon the land.`nAnd although they were soon separated,`nLearning as they did that they were not for each other,`nStill, their passing regards for each other,`nLeft it\'s impression upon all who had witnessed it.`nAnd would be talked about for ages still to come.','A solar eclipse; eclipse','System'),
(98,'What has a coat?`nHugs you not in sympathy?`nWhose smile you\'d rather not see?`nWhose stance is a terrible thing to see?`nWho is it that brave men run away from?`nWhose fingers are clawed?`nWhose sleep lasts for months?`nAnd whose company we shun?','A bear','System'),
(99,'You can tumble in it,`nRoll in it,`nBurn it,`nAnimals eat it,`nUsed to cover floors,`nStill used beyond stall doors.`nFreshens whatever it is placed on,`nAbsorbs whatever is poured into it.`nWhat is it?','Hay','System'),
(100,'Within passion\'s fruit they will be found,`nAnd more of them in the pomegranate\'s crown.`nRowed they are within an apple\'s core,`nYet other fruits have them more.`nAnd though the nectarine has but one,`nStill, this is all just in fun.`nPlaying hide and seek - a children\'s game.`nFinding out each player is just the same.','Seeds','System'),
(101,'\'Twas whispered in Heaven, \'twas muttered in hell,`nAnd echo caught faintly the sound as it fell;`nOn the confines of earth \'twas permitted to rest,`nAnd in the depths of the ocean its presence confes\'d;`n\'Twill be found in the sphere when \'tis riven asunder,`nBe seen in the lightning and heard in the thunder;`n\'Twas allotted to man with his earliest breath,`nAttends him at birth and awaits him at death,`nPresides o\'er his happiness, honor and health,`nIs the prop of his house, and the end of his wealth.`nIn the heaps of the miser \'tis hoarded with care,`nBut is sure to be lost on his prodigal heir;`nIt begins every hope, every wish it must bound,`nWith the husbandman toils, and with monarchs is crowned;`nWithout it the soldier and seaman may roam,`nBut woe to the wretch who expels it from home!`nIn the whispers of conscience its voice will be found,`nNor e\'er in the whirlwind of passion be drowned;`n\'Twill soften the heart; but though deaf be the ear,`nIt will make him acutely and instantly hear.`nSet in shade, let it rest like a delicate flower;`nAh! Breathe on it softly, it dies in an hour','The letter H; H','System'),
(102,'We are little airy creatures,`nAll of different voice and features;`nOne of us in glass is set,`nOne of us you\'ll find in jet,`nT\'other you may see in tin,`nAnd the fourth a box within;`nIf the fifth you should pursue,`nIt can never fly from you.','The vowels','System'),
(103,'I\'m a strange contradiction; I\'m new, and I\'m old,`nI\'m often in tatters, and oft decked with gold.`nThough I never could read, yet lettered I\'m found;`nThough blind, I enlighten; though loose, I am bound,`nI\'m always in black, and I\'m always in white;`nI\'m grave and I\'m gay, I am heavey and light-`nIn form too I differ - I\'m thick and I\'m thin,`nI\'ve no flesh and bones, yet I\'m covered with skin;`nI\'ve more points than the compass, more stops than the flute;`nI sing without voice, without speaking confute.`nI\'m English, I\'m German, I\'m French, and I\'m Dutch;`nSome love me too fondly, some slight me too much;`nI often die soon, though I sometimes live ages,`nAnd no monarch alive has so many pages.','A book','System'),
(104,'As I went through the garden gap,`nWho should I meet but Dick Red-cap!`nA stick in his hand, a stone in his throat,`nIf you\'ll tell me this riddle, I\'ll give you a groat.','A cherry','System'),
(105,'Little Nancy Etticote,`nIn a white petticoat,`nWith a red nose;`nThe longer she stands`nThe shorter she grows.','A candle','System'),
(106,'I have a little sister, they call her Peep, Peep;`nShe wades the waters deep, deep, deep;`nShe climbs the mountains high, high, high;`nPoor little creature she has but one eye.','A star','System'),
(107,'I saw a company a marching,`nA marching across the sea.`nAnd looking upon them,`nI asked myself <20>What can they be?<3F>`nFor there was a horse,`nAnd there was a cow,`nAnd there were men marching,`nWith houses and trees. But how?`nI saw a company marching,`nA marching across the sea.`nAnd wondered in my rest,`nHow lazy I must be.','Clouds in the sky; clouds','System'),
(108,'I\'m up.`nI\'m down.`nI\'m all around.`nYet never can I be found.`nWho am I?','The wind','System'),
(109,'I can be moved.`nI can be rolled.`nBut nothing will I hold.`nI\'m red and I\'m blue.`nAnd I can be other colors too.`nHaving no head, though similar in shape,`nI have no eyes - yet move all over the place.`nWhat am I?','A ball','System'),
(110,'Upon me you can tread,`nThough softly under cover.`nAnd I will take you places,`nThat you have yet to discover.`nI\'m high, and I\'m low,`nThough flat in the middle.`nAnd though a joy to the children,`nAdults think of me little.`nWhat am I?','Stairs','System'),
(111,'What is it which builds things up?`nLays mountains low?`nDries up lakes,`nAnd makes things grow?`nCares not a whim about your passing?`nAnd is like few other things,`nBecause it is everlasting?','Time','System'),
(112,'It sat upon a willow tree,`nAnd sang softly unto me.`nEasing my pain and sorrow with its song,`nI wished to fly, but tarried long.`nAnd in my suffering,`nThe willow was like a cool clear spring.`nWhat was it that helped me so?`nTo spend my time in my woe.','A bird','System'),
(113,'They can be harbored, but few hold water,`nYou can nurse them, but only by holding them against someone else,`nYou can carry them, but not with your arms,`nYou can bury them, but not in the earth.','A grudge','System'),
(114,'Deep as a bowl, round as a cup,`nYet all the world\'s oceans can\'t fill it up.','A sieve; collander','System'),
(115,'Though desert men once called me God,`nTo-day men call me mad,`nFor I wag my tail when I am angry,`nAnd growl when I am glad.','A cat','System'),
(116,'I heard of an invading, vanquishing army`nsweeping across the land, liquid-quick;`nconquering everything, quelling resistance.`nWith it came darkness, dimming the light.`nHumans hid in their houses, while outside`nspears pierced, shattering stone walls.`nUncountable soldiers smashed into the ground,`nbut each elicited life as he died;`nwhen the army had vanished, advancing northward,`nthe land was green and growing, refreshed.','A rainstorm; rain','System'),
(117,'Tall she is, and round as a cup,`nYet all the king\'s horses`nCan\'t draw her up.','A well','System'),
(118,'The more of it there is,`nThe less you see.','Darkness; fog','System'),
(119,'What is not enough for one,`nJust right for two,`nToo much for three?','A secret','System'),
(120,'What gets wetter the more it dries?','A towel','System'),
(121,'A long snake`nWith a stinging bite,`nI stay coiled up`nUnless I must fight.','Whip','System'),
(122,'A warrior amongst the flowers,`nHe bears a thrusting sword.`nAble and ready to use,`nTo guard his golden hoard.','Bees','System'),
(123,'The Load-bearer, the Warrior,`nThe Frightened One, the Brave,`nThe Fleet-of-foot, the Ironshod`nThe Faithful One, the Slave','A horse','System'),
(124,'Walks in the wind`nRuns in the rain`nMakes dry oceans in the sun`nCounts time, stops clocks`nSwallows kingdoms, gnaws rocks.','Sand','System'),
(125,'The rolling hills, the heart that beats forever,`nThe land that never changes, never stills`nPloughed by travellers far from home, not planted,`nWhite in anger, green in peace, and always blue.','The sea; ocean','System'),
(126,'Listen closely, I\'m hard to understand`nI am as elusive as is a handful of sand.`nEven if you perceive me, you know me not`nbefore you can tell me, what I have forgot.','A riddle','System'),
(127,'What goes through the door without pinching itself?`nWhat sits on the stove without burning itself?`nWhat sits on the table and is not ashamed?','The sun','System'),
(128,'Whilst I was engaged in sitting`nI spied the dead carrying the living`nWhat did I see?','A ship','System'),
(129,'I know a word of letters three,`nAdd two and fewer there will be.','Few','System'),
(130,'Who makes it, has no need of it.`nWho buys it, has no use for it.`nWho uses it, can neither see nor feel it.','A coffin','System'),
(131,'The man who made it didn\'t need it.`nThe man who bought it didn\'t use it.`nThe man who used it didn\'t want it.','A coffin; a casket','System'),
(132,'You seized me, and yet I fled`nYou see me flee and cannot hold me tight`nYou press me in your hand, then your fist is empty.`nWhat am I?','Snow','System'),
(133,'What has four legs in the morning,`nTwo legs in the afternoon,`nAnd three legs in the evening?','Man','System'),
(134,'What is deaf, dumb and blind`nand always tells the truth ?','A mirror','System'),
(135,'What is always in front of you`nbut cannot be seen?','The future','System'),
(136,'What does man love more than life,`nhate more than death or mortal strife;`nThat which contented men desire,`nthe poor have, the rich require;`nThe miser spends, the spendthrift saves,`nand all men carry to their graves?','Nothing','System'),
(137,'A life longer than any man,`nit dies each year to be reborn.','A tree','System'),
(138,'In the eyes it causes blindness,`nin the nose just a sneeze;`nYet some suck this down,`nand act as if pleased.','Smoke','System'),
(139,'It stands alone, with no bone or solid form.`nAdamant, it prospers never wrong,`nthough hurt it may.`nTwistable, malleable, might it be,`nbut always straight as an arrow.','The truth','System'),
(140,'What sphinxes employ,`nthe players enjoy.','A riddle','System'),
(141,'There\'s someone that I\'m always near,`nYet in the dark I disappear.`nTo this one only I am loyal,`nThough in his wake I\'m doomed to toil.`nHe feels me not (we always touch);`nIf I were lost, he\'d not lose much.`nAnd now I come to my surprise,`nFor you are he - but who am I ?','Your shadow','System'),
(142,'I\'m often held, yet rarely touched;`nI\'m always wet, yet never rust;`nI\'m sometimes wagged and sometimes bit;`nTo use me well, you must have wit.','Tongue','System'),
(143,'In the window she sat weeping.`nAnd with each tear her life went seeping.','A candle','System'),
(144,'I\'m not really more than holes tied to more`nholes;`nI\'m strong as good steel, though not as stiff`nas a pole.','A chain','System'),
(145,'I\'ve little strength, but mighty powers;`nI guard small hovels and great towers.`nBut if perchance my master leaves,`nHe must ensure he safeguards me.','A key','System'),
(146,'Delivered by breath,`nscares heroes to death.','The Riddle','System'),
(147,'In daytime I lie pooled about,`nAt night I cloak like a mist.`nI creep inside shut boxes and`nInside your tightened fist.`nYou see me best when you can\'t see,`nFor I do not exist.','Darkness','System'),
(148,'Devils and rogues know nothing else,`nsave starlight.','Darkness','System'),
(149,'Both king and horse have this, of course,`nBut you\'ll want neither of them, perforce.','Reign','System'),
(150,'My spring up on the cliff.','A coconut','System'),
(151,'Three walls and you reach water.','A coconut','System'),
(152,'My kapa (a type of cloth) log that`nis always sounding without rest.','The sea','System'),
(153,'In the morning four legs,`nat noon two legs,`nat evening three legs.','Man','System'),
(154,'My man that cannot be cut.','A shadow','System'),
(155,'My canoes, going day and night,`nten bowspirits, two sterns.','Someone\'s feet','System'),
(156,'My red cave, white soldiers standing in line.','Someone\'s mouth','System'),
(157,'My man crying day and night,`nall through the year.','The sea','System');
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