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2020-08-17 19:16:42 -04:00
// translator ready
// addnews ready
// mail ready
$spell_dictionary = array();
function spell($input,$words=false,$prefix="<span style='border: 1px dotted #FF0000;'>",$postfix="</span>"){
global $spell_dictionary;
if ($words===false)
$words = getsetting("dictionary","/usr/share/dict/words");
if (file_exists($words)){
if (!is_array($spell_dictionary) || count($spell_dictionary)==0){
//retrieve dictionary
$dict = file($words);
//sanitize the keys to drop linefeeds from the words
$dict = join("",$dict);
$dict = explode("\n",$dict);
$dict = array_flip($dict);
//words not typically found in a dict file
$spell_dictionary =& $dict;
$dict = &$spell_dictionary;
//Common Contractions
$contractions = array(
"n't"=>"n't", //haven't
"'s"=>"'s", //Joe's going to, also possessive noun
"'ll"=>"'ll", //we'll
"'re"=>"'re", //they're
"'ve"=>"'ve", //Where've you been all day?
"'m"=>"'m", //What'm I supposed to say?
"'d"=>"'d", //He'd
$input = preg_split("/([<>])/",$input,-1,PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
$intag = false;
$output = "";
while (list($key,$val)=each($input)){
if ($val=="<"){
$intag = true;
}elseif ($val==">"){
$intag = false;
}elseif (!$intag){
//spellcheck data not found within tags.
$line =
$val = "";
while (list($k,$v)=each($line)){
$lookups = array();
//look for common variations on words
$v1 = trim($v);
if ($v1>"") {
//search for contraction endings
//strip trailing punctuation
$v2 = preg_replace("/[.?!\"']+$/","",$v);
while (list($cont,$throwaway)=each($contractions)){
if (substr($v2,strlen($v2)-strlen($cont)) == $cont){
$v1 = substr($v2,0,strlen($v2)-strlen($cont));
if ($v1>"") {
$v1 = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z]/","",trim($v));
if ($v1>"") {
} else {
//if there's no alpha chars, we have no lookups to do
$lookups = array();
if (count($lookups)>0){
$found = false;
while (list($k1,$v1)=each($lookups)){
if (isset($dict[$k1])){
$found = true;
$found = true;
if (!$found){
if (preg_match("/[[:digit:]]/",$v)) $found=true;
if (!$found){
$val = $val.$prefix.$v.$postfix;
}//end while
}//end if
}//end while
$output = $input;
return $output;