135 lines
6.6 KiB
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2020-08-17 19:16:42 -04:00
// addnews ready
// translator ready
// mail ready
$config = unserialize($session['user']['donationconfig']);
$return = httpget("return");
$returnline = $return>""?"&return=$return":"";
page_header("Healer's Hut");
output("`#`b`cHealer's Hut`c`b`n");
$cost = log($session['user']['level']) * (($session['user']['maxhitpoints']-$session['user']['hitpoints']) + 10);
$cost = round($cost,0);
$op = httpget('op');
if ($op==""){
output("`3You duck into the small smoke-filled grass hut.");
output("The pungent aroma makes you cough, attracting the attention of a grizzled old person that does a remarkable job of reminding you of a rock, which probably explains why you didn't notice them until now.");
output("Couldn't be your failure as a warrior.");
output("Nope, definitely not.`n`n");
if ($session['user']['hitpoints'] < $session['user']['maxhitpoints']){
output("\"`6See you, I do. Before you did see me, I think, hmm?`3\" the old thing remarks.");
output("\"`6Know you, I do; healing you seek. Willing to heal am I, but only if willing to pay are you.`3\"`n`n");
output("\"`5Uh, um. How much?`3\" you ask, ready to be rid of the smelly old thing.`n`n");
output("The old being thumps your ribs with a gnarly staff. \"`6For you... `$`b%s`b`6 gold pieces for a complete heal!!`3\" it says as it bends over and pulls a clay vial from behind a pile of skulls sitting in the corner.", $cost);
output("The view of the thing bending over to remove the vial almost does enough mental damage to require a larger potion.");
output("\"`6I also have some, erm... 'bargain' potions available,`3\" it says as it gestures at a pile of dusty, cracked vials.");
output("\"`6They'll heal a certain percent of your `idamage`i.`3\"");
}elseif($session['user']['hitpoints'] == $session['user']['maxhitpoints']){
output("`3The old creature grunts as it looks your way. \"`6Need a potion, you do not. Wonder why you bother me, I do.`3\" says the hideous thing.");
output("The aroma of its breath makes you wish you hadn't come in here in the first place. You think you had best leave.");
output("`3The old creature glances at you, then in a `^whirlwind of movement`3 that catches you completely off guard, brings its gnarled staff squarely in contact with the back of your head.");
output("You gasp as you collapse to the ground.`n`n");
output("Slowly you open your eyes and realize the beast is emptying the last drops of a clay vial down your throat.`n`n");
output("\"`6No charge for that potion.`3\" is all it has to say.");
output("You feel a strong urge to leave as quickly as you can.");
$session['user']['hitpoints'] = $session['user']['maxhitpoints'];
}elseif ($op=="buy"){
$pct = httpget('pct');
if ($session['user']['gold']>=$newcost){
debuglog("spent gold on healing",false,false,"healing",$newcost);
$diff = round(($session['user']['maxhitpoints']-$session['user']['hitpoints'])*$pct/100,0);
$session['user']['hitpoints'] += $diff;
output("`3With a grimace, you up-end the potion the creature hands you, and despite the foul flavor, you feel a warmth spreading through your veins as your muscles knit back together.");
output("`3With a grimace, you up-end the potion the creature hands you, and despite the foul flavor, you feel a warmth spreading through your veins as your muscles knit back together.");
output("Staggering some, you hand it your gold and are ready to be out of here.");
output("`3With a grimace, you up-end the potion the creature hands you, and despite the foul flavor, you feel a warmth spreading through your veins.");
output("Staggering some you are ready to be out of here.");
if($diff == 1) {
output("`n`n`#You have been healed for one point!", $diff);
} else {
output("`n`n`#You have been healed for %s points!", $diff);
output("`3The old creature pierces you with a gaze hard and cruel.");
output("Your lightning quick reflexes enable you to dodge the blow from its gnarled staff.");
output("Perhaps you should get some more money before you attempt to engage in local commerce.`n`n");
output("You recall that the creature had asked for `b`\$%s`3`b gold.", $newcost);
}elseif ($op=="companion"){
$compcost = httpget('compcost');
if($session['user']['gold'] < $compcost){
output("`3The old creature pierces you with a gaze hard and cruel.`n");
output("Your lightning quick reflexes enable you to dodge the blow from its gnarled staff.`n");
output("Perhaps you should get some more money before you attempt to engage in local commerce.`n`n");
output("You recall that the creature had asked for `b`\$%s`3`b gold.", $compcost);
$name = stripslashes(rawurldecode(httpget('name')));
$session['user']['gold'] -= $compcost;
$companions[$name]['hitpoints'] = $companions[$name]['maxhitpoints'];
output("`3With a grimace, %s`3 up-ends the potion from the creature.`n", $companions[$name]['name']);
output("Muscles knit back together, cuts close and bruises fade. %s`3 is ready to battle once again!`n", $companions[$name]['name']);
output("You hand the creature your gold and are ready to be out of here.");
$playerheal = false;
if($session['user']['hitpoints'] < $session['user']['maxhitpoints']){
$playerheal = true;
addnav("`^Complete Healing`0","healer.php?op=buy&pct=100$returnline");
for ($i=90;$i>0;$i-=10){
addnav(array("%s%% - %s gold", $i, round($cost*$i/100,0)),"healer.php?op=buy&pct=$i$returnline");
addnav("`bHeal Companions`b");
$compheal = false;
foreach($companions as $name => $companion){
if(isset($companion['cannotbehealed']) && $companion['cannotbehealed'] == true){
$points = $companion['maxhitpoints'] - $companion['hitpoints'];
if($points > 0){
$compcost = round(log($session['user']['level']+1) * ($points + 10)*1.33);
addnav(array("%s`0 (`^%s Gold`0)", $companion['name'], $compcost), "healer.php?op=companion&name=".rawurlencode($name)."&compcost=$compcost$returnline");
$compheal = true;
if ($return==""){
if($playerheal || $compheal){
addnav("F?Back to the Forest", "forest.php");
}elseif ($return=="village.php"){
addnav("R?Return whence you came",$return);