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2020-08-17 19:16:42 -04:00
// translator ready
// addnews ready
// mail ready
//functions to pay attention to in this script:
// synctable() ensures that a table in the database matches the
// descriptor it's passed.
// table_create_descriptor() creates a descriptor from an existing table
// in the database.
// table_create_from_descriptor() writes SQL to create the table described
// by the descriptor.
// There's no support for foreign keys that INNODB offers. Sorry.
function synctable($tablename,$descriptor,$nodrop=false){
//table names should be db_prefix'd before they get in to
//this function.
if (!db_table_exists($tablename)){
//the table doesn't exist, so we create it and are done.
$sql = table_create_from_descriptor($tablename,$descriptor);
if(!db_query($sql)) {
output("`\$Error:`^ %s`n", db_error());
rawoutput("<pre>".htmlentities($sql, ENT_COMPAT, getsetting("charset", "ISO-8859-1"))."</pre>");
} else {
output("`^Table `#%s`^ created.`n", $tablename);
//the table exists, so we need to compare it against the descriptor.
$existing = table_create_descriptor($tablename);
$changes = array();
while (list($key,$val)=each($descriptor)){
if ($key == "RequireMyISAM") continue;
$val['type'] = descriptor_sanitize_type($val['type']);
if (!isset($val['name'])) {
if (($val['type']=="key" ||
$val['type']=="unique key" ||
$val['type']=="primary key")){
if (substr($key,0,4)=="key-"){
debug("<b>Warning</b>: the descriptor for <b>$tablename</b> includes a {$val['type']} which isn't named correctly. It should be named key-$key. In your code, it should look something like this (the important change is bolded):<br> \"<b>key-$key</b>\"=>array(\"type\"=>\"{$val['type']}\",\"columns\"=>\"{$val['columns']}\")<br> The consequence of this is that your keys will be destroyed and recreated each time the table is synchronized until this is addressed.");
if ($val['type']=="key" ||
$val['type']=="unique key" ||
$val['type']=="primary key"){
$key = "key-".$val['name'];
$key = $val['name'];
$newsql = descriptor_createsql($val);
if (!isset($existing[$key])){
//this is a new column.
array_push($changes,"ADD $newsql");
//this is an existing column, let's make sure the
//descriptors match.
$oldsql = descriptor_createsql($existing[$key]);
if ($oldsql != $newsql){
//this descriptor line has changed. Change the
//table to suit.
debug("Old: $oldsql<br>New:$newsql");
if ($existing[$key]['type']=="key" ||
$existing[$key]['type']=="unique key"){
"DROP KEY {$existing[$key]['name']}");
array_push($changes,"ADD $newsql");
}elseif ($existing[$key]['type']=="primary key"){
array_push($changes,"DROP PRIMARY KEY");
array_push($changes,"ADD $newsql");
"CHANGE {$existing[$key]['name']} $newsql");
}//end if
}//end if
}//end while
//drop no longer needed columns
if (!$nodrop){
while (list($key,$val)=each($existing)){
//This column no longer exists.
if ($val['type']=="key" || $val['type']=="unique key"){
$sql = "DROP KEY {$val['name']}";
}elseif ($val['type']=="primary key"){
$sql = "DROP {$val['name']}";
}//end while
if (count($changes)>0) {
//we have changes to do! Woohoo!
$sql = "ALTER TABLE $tablename \n".join(",\n",$changes);
return count($changes);
}//end if
}//end function
function table_create_from_descriptor($tablename,$descriptor){
$sql = "CREATE TABLE $tablename (\n";
$type = "INNODB";
while (list($key,$val)=each($descriptor)){
if ($key === "RequireMyISAM" && $val == 1) {
// Let's hope that we don't run into badly formatted strings
// but you know what, if we do, tough
if (db_get_server_version() < "4.0.14") {
$type = "MyISAM";
} elseif ($key === "RequireMyISAM") {
if (!isset($val['name'])) {
if (($val['type']=="key" ||
$val['type']=="unique key" ||
$val['type']=="primary key")){
if (substr($key,0,4)=="key-"){
debug("<b>Warning</b>: the descriptor for <b>$tablename</b> includes a {$val['type']} which isn't named correctly. It should be named key-$key. In your code, it should look something like this (the important change is bolded):<br> \"<b>key-$key</b>\"=>array(\"type\"=>\"{$val['type']}\",\"columns\"=>\"{$val['columns']}\")<br> The consequence of this is that your keys will be destroyed and recreated each time the table is synchronized until this is addressed.");
if ($val['type']=="key" ||
$val['type']=="unique key" ||
$val['type']=="primary key"){
$key = "key-".$val['name'];
$key = $val['name'];
if ($i>0) $sql.=",\n";
$sql .= descriptor_createsql($val);
$sql .= ") engine=$type";
return $sql;
function table_create_descriptor($tablename){
//this function assumes that $tablename is already passed
//through db_prefix.
$descriptor = array();
//fetch column desc's
$sql = "DESCRIBE $tablename";
$result = db_query($sql);
while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($result)){
$item = array();
if ($row['Null']) $item['null'] = true;
if (trim($row['Default'])!="") $item['default']=$row['Default'];
if (trim($row['Extra'])!=="") $item['extra']=$row['Extra'];
$descriptor[$item['name']] = $item;
$sql = "SHOW KEYS FROM $tablename";
$result = db_query($sql);
while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($result)){
if ($row['Seq_in_index']>1){
//this is a secondary+ column on some previous key;
//add this to that column's keys.
$str = $row['Column_name'];
if ($row['Sub_part'])
$str .= "(" . $row['Sub_part'] . ")";
$descriptor['key-'.$row['Key_name']]['columns'] .=
$item = array();
$item['name'] = $row['Key_name'];
if ($row['Key_name']=="PRIMARY")
$item['type'] = "primary key";
$item['type'] = "key";
if ($row['Non_unique']==0)
$item['unique'] = true;
$str = $row['Column_name'];
if ($row['Sub_part'])
$str .= "(" . $row['Sub_part'] . ")";
$item['columns'] = $str;
$descriptor['key-'.$item['name']] = $item;
}//end if
}//end while
return $descriptor;
function descriptor_createsql($input){
$input['type'] = descriptor_sanitize_type($input['type']);
if ($input['type']=="key" || $input['type']=='unique key'){
//this is a standard index
if (is_array($input['columns']))
$input['columns'] = join(",",$input['columns']);
if (!isset($input['name'])) {
//if the user didn't define a name we should give it one
if (strpos($input['columns'],",")!==false){
//if there are multiple columns, the name is just the
//first column
$input['name'] =
//if there is only one column, the key name is the same
//as the column name.
$input['name'] = $input['columns'];
if (substr($input['type'],0,7)=="unique ") $input['unique'] = true;
$return = (isset($input['unique']) && $input['unique']?"UNIQUE ":"")
."KEY {$input['name']} "
}elseif ($input['type']=="primary key"){
//this is a primary key
if (is_array($input['columns']))
$input['columns'] = join(",",$input['columns']);
$return = "PRIMARY KEY ({$input['columns']})";
//this is a standard column
if (!array_key_exists('extra', $input)) $input['extra']="";
$return = $input['name']." "
.(isset($input['null']) && $input['null']?"":" NOT NULL")
.(isset($input['default']) &&
$input['default']>""?" default '{$input['default']}'":"")
." ".$input['extra'];
return $return;
function descriptor_sanitize_type($type){
$type = strtolower($type);
$changes = array(
"primary index"=>"primary key",
"primary"=>"primary key",
"unique index"=>"unique key",
if (isset($changes[$type]))
return $changes[$type];
return $type;