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2020-08-17 19:16:42 -04:00
function lovers_seth(){
global $session;
$seenlover = get_module_pref("seenlover");
$partner = get_partner();
if ($seenlover==0){
//haven't seen lover
if ($session['user']['marriedto']==INT_MAX){
if (e_rand(1,4)==1){
case 1:
$msg = translate_inline("being too busy tuning his lute,");
case 2:
$msg = translate_inline("\"that time of month,\"");
case 3:
$msg = translate_inline("\"a little cold... *cough cough* see?\"");
case 4:
$msg = translate_inline("wanting you to fetch him a beer,");
output("You head over to snuggle up to %s`0 and kiss him about the face and neck, but he grumbles something about %s and with a comment like that, you storm away from him!",$partner,$msg);
output("`n`n`^You LOSE a charm point!");
output("You and %s`0 take some time to yourselves, and you leave the inn, positively glowing!",$partner);
output("`n`n`^You gain a charm point!");
//not married.
if (httpget("flirt")==""){
//haven't flirted yet
addnav("Flutter Eyelashes","runmodule.php?module=lovers&op=flirt&flirt=2");
addnav("Drop Hanky","runmodule.php?module=lovers&op=flirt&flirt=3");
addnav("Ask him to buy you a drink","runmodule.php?module=lovers&op=flirt&flirt=4");
addnav("Kiss him soundly","runmodule.php?module=lovers&op=flirt&flirt=5");
addnav("Completely seduce him","runmodule.php?module=lovers&op=flirt&flirt=6");
addnav("Marry him","runmodule.php?module=lovers&op=flirt&flirt=7");
//flirting now
$c = $session['user']['charm'];
case 1:
if (e_rand($c,2)>=2){
output("%s`0 grins a big toothy grin.",$partner);
output("My, isn't the dimple in his chin cute??");
if ($c<4) $c++;
output("%s`0 raises an eyebrow at you, and asks if you have something in your eye.",$partner);
case 2:
if (e_rand($c,4)>=4){
output("%s`0 smiles at you and says, \"`^My, what pretty eyes you have.`0\"",$partner);
if ($c<7) $c++;
output("%s`0 smiles, and waves... to the person standing behind you.",$partner);
case 3:
if (e_rand($c,7)>=7){
output("%s`0 bends over and retrieves your hanky, while you admire his firm posterior.",$partner);
if ($c<11) $c++;
output("%s`0 bends over and retrieves your hanky, wipes his nose with it, and gives it back.",$partner);
case 4:
if (e_rand($c,11)>=11){
output("%s`0 places his arm around your waist, and escorts you to the bar where he buys you one of the Inn's fine swills.",$partner);
if ($c<14) $c++;
output("%s`0 apologizes, \"`^I'm sorry m'lady, I have no money to spare,`0\" as he turns out his moth-riddled pocket.",$partner);
if ($c>0 && $c<10) $c--;
case 5:
if (e_rand($c,14)>=14){
output("You walk up to %s`0, grab him by the shirt, pull him to his feet, and plant a firm, long kiss right on his handsome lips.",$partner);
output("He collapses after, hair a bit disheveled, and short on breath.");
if ($c<18) $c++;
output("You duck down to kiss %s`0 on the lips, but just as you do so, he bends over to tie his shoe.",$partner);
if ($c>0 && $c<13) $c--;
case 6:
if (e_rand($c,18)>=18){
output("Standing at the base of the stairs, you make a come-hither gesture at %s`0.",$partner);
output("He follows you like a puppydog.");
if ($session['user']['turns']>0){
output("You feel exhausted!");
if ($session['user']['turns']<0)
addnews("`@%s`@ and %s`@ were seen heading up the stairs in the inn together.`0",$session['user']['name'],$partner);
if ($c<25) $c++;
output("\"`^I'm sorry m'lady, but I have a show in 5 minutes`0\"");
if ($c>0) $c--;
case 7:
output("Walking up to %s`0, you simply demand that he marry you.`n`n",$partner);
output("He looks at you for a few seconds.`n`n");
if ($c>=22){
output("\"`^Of course my love!`0\" he says.");
output("The next weeks are a blur as you plan the most wonderous wedding, paid for entirely by %s`0, and head on off to the deep forest for your honeymoon.",$partner);
addnews("`&%s`& and %s`& are joined today in joyous matrimony!!!",$session['user']['name'],$partner);
output("%s`0 says, \"`^I'm sorry, apparently I've given you the wrong impression, I think we should just be friends.`0\"", $partner);
output("Depressed, you have no more desire to fight in the forest today.");
debuglog("lost all turns after being rejected for marriage.");
}//end switch
if ($c > $session['user']['charm'])
output("`n`n`^You gain a charm point!");
if ($c < $session['user']['charm'])
output("`n`n`\$You LOSE a charm point!");
}//end if
}//end if
//have seen lover
output("You think you had better not push your luck with %s`0 today.",$partner);