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2020-08-17 19:16:42 -04:00
// translator ready
// addnews ready
// mail ready
//ver 1.1 - added a little newday-runonce routine to return the creatures to
// some default value after a specified number of days
function crazyaudrey_getmoduleinfo(){
$info = array(
"name"=>"Crazy Audrey's Petting Zoo",
"author"=>"Eric Stevens",
"category"=>"Forest Specials",
"Crazy Audrey Settings,title",
"cost"=>"Cost to pet,int|5",
"animal"=>"Name of animal (should be singular)|Kitten",
"animals"=>"Plural name of animal|Kittens",
"lanimal"=>"Lowercase name of animal (should be singular)|kitten",
"lanimals"=>"Lowercase plural name of animal|kittens",
"The last ones only need to be different for languages which do not capitalize nouns,note",
"sound"=>"Sound that animal makes|mew",
"buffname"=>"Name of buff from animal|Warm Fuzzies",
"gamedaysremaining"=>"How many game days should the animal remain? (set to -1 for indefinite),int|-1",
"defaultanimal"=>"Name of default animal (should be singular)|Kitten",
"defaultanimals"=>"Plural name of default animal|Kittens",
"defaultsound"=>"Sound that default animal makes|mew",
"defaultbuffname"=>"Name of buff from default animal|Warm Fuzzies",
"profit"=>"How much profit has Audrey made?,int|5",
"villagepercent"=>"How often will you see Crazy Audrey sitting in the village square?,range,0,100,1|20",
"Crazy Audrey User Preferences,title",
"played"=>"Played Baskets Today?,bool|0",
return $info;
function crazyaudrey_install(){
module_addeventhook("forest", "return 100;");
return true;
function crazyaudrey_uninstall(){
return true;
function crazyaudrey_dohook($hookname,$args){
global $session;
$animals = get_module_setting("animals");
$lcanimals = get_module_setting("lanimals");
case "village-desc":
if (e_rand(1, 100) <= get_module_setting("villagepercent")) {
output("`n`%Crazy Audrey is here with her `#%s`%!`n",$lcanimals);
$args['doaudrey'] = 1;
case "village":
if (!array_key_exists("doaudrey",$args)) $args['doaudrey'] = false;
if ($args['doaudrey']) {
$cost = get_module_setting("cost");
// And since the capital can change the texts
addnav(array(" ?Pet Crazy Audrey's %s`0 (`^%s gold`0)",$animals,$cost),"runmodule.php?module=crazyaudrey&op=pet");
case "newday":
case "newday-runonce":
if ($daysremaining>0){
$daysremaining -= 1;
//This is intentionally not an elseif
return $args;
function crazyaudrey_runevent($type)
// We act the same for all event types
function crazyaudrey_baskets($type)
global $session;
$from = "runmodule.php?module=crazyaudrey&";
if ($type == "forest")
$from = "forest.php?";
if ($type == "forest") {
$session['user']['specialinc'] = "module:crazyaudrey";
$animal = get_module_setting("animal");
$lcanimal = get_module_setting("lanimal");
$lcplural = get_module_setting("lanimals");
$sound = get_module_setting("sound");
$op = httpget('op');
if ($op == "" || $op == "search" || $op == "baskets") {
if ($op == "baskets") {
output("`5You reach for the lid of one of Crazy Audrey's baskets when you think she is distracted, when out of nowhere, Crazy Audrey appears, ranting feverishly about colored %s, and pulls the baskets to her.`n`n", $lcplural);
} elseif ($type == "forest") {
output("`5You stumble across a clearing that is oddly quiet.");
output("To one side are three baskets, tightly lidded.");
output("Finding this curious, you cautiously approach them when you hear the faint %s`5 of a %s`5.", $sound, $lcanimal);
output("You reach for the lid of the first basket when out of nowhere, Crazy Audrey appears, ranting feverishly about colored %s`5, and pulls the baskets to her.`n`n", $lcplural);
output("Taken somewhat aback, you decide you had best question her about these %s.`n`n", $lcplural);
output("\"`#Tell me, good woman,`5\" you begin...`n`n");
output("\"`%GOOD GOOD good good goodgoodgoodgoodgood...`5\" Audrey begins to repeat.");
output("Unflustered, you persist.`n`n");
output("\"`#What are these %s`# you speak of?`5\"`n`n", $lcplural);
output("Amazingly, Crazy Audrey suddenly grows quiet and begins to speak in a regal accent both melodious and soft.`n`n");
output("\"`%Of these baskets, have I three,`n");
output("Four %s`% inside each there do be.`n`n", $lcplural);
output("Minds of their own, do they have,`n");
output("Should two alike emerge, you'll get this salve.`n`n");
output("Energy it gives, to fight your foes,`n");
output("Merely rub it 'tween your toes.`n`n");
output("Should no two alike show their head,`n");
output("Earlier today, you'll see your bed.`n`n");
output("That then is my proposition,`n");
output("Shall thou take it, or from me run?`5\"`n`n");
output("Will you play her game?");
addnav("Run away from Crazy Audrey",$from."op=run");
}else if($op=="run"){
output("`5You run, very quickly, away from this mad woman.");
}else if($op=="play"){
if ($type == "module-internal") {
$colors = array("`^C`&a`Ql`6i`7c`qo","`7T`&i`7g`&e`7r","`QGinger","`&White","`^`bHedgehog!`b");
$colors = translate_inline($colors);
$c1 = e_rand(0,3);
$c2 = e_rand(0,3);
$c3 = e_rand(0,3);
if (e_rand(1,20)==1) {
$c1=4; $c2=4; $c3=4;
output("`5You agree to Crazy Audrey's preposterous game and she thumps the first basket on the lid.");
if ($c1 == 4) {
output("A %s`5 peeks its head out.`n`n", $colors[$c1]);
} else {
output("A %s`5 %s`5 peeks its head out.`n`n", $colors[$c1], $lcanimal);
if ($c2 == 4) {
output("Crazy Audrey then thumps the second basket on the lid, and a %s`5 peeks its head out.`n`n", $colors[$c2]);
} else {
output("Crazy Audrey then thumps the second basket on the lid, and a %s`5 %s`5 peeks its head out.`n`n", $colors[$c2], $lcanimal);
if ($c3 == 4) {
output("She thumps the third basket on the lid, and a %s`5 hops out and bounds up to Crazy Audrey's shoulder.`n`n", $colors[$c3]);
} else {
output("She thumps the third basket on the lid, and a %s`5 %s`5 hops out and bounds up to Crazy Audrey's shoulder.`n`n", $colors[$c3], $lcanimal);
if ($c1==$c2 && $c2==$c3){
if ($c1==4){
$where = translate_inline($type=="forest"?"forest":"crowd");
output("\"`%Hedgehogs? HEDGEHOGS?? Hahahahaha, HEDGEHOGS!!!!`5\" shouts Crazy Audrey as she snatches them up in glee and runs cheering into the %s.", $where);
output("You notice that she has dropped a full BAG of those wonderful salves.`n`n");
output("`^You gain FIVE forest fights!");
output("\"`%Argh, you are ALL very bad %s`%!`5\" shouts Crazy Audrey before hugging her shoulder %s`5 and putting it back in the basket.", $lcplural, $lcanimal);
output("\"`%Because my %s`% all were alike, I grant you TWO salves.`5\"`n`n", $lcplural);
output("You rub the salves on your toes.`n`n");
output("`^You gain TWO forest fights!");
}elseif ($c1==$c2 || $c2==$c3 || $c1==$c3){
output("\"`%Garr, you crazy %s`%, what do you know? Why I ought to paint you all different colors!`5\"", $lcplural);
output("Despite her threatening words, Crazy Audrey pets the %s`5 on her shoulder and places it back in the basket, before giving you your salve, which you rub all over your toes.`n`n", $lcanimal);
output("`^You gain a forest fight!");
output("\"`%Well done my pretties!`5\" shouts Crazy Audrey.");
output("Just then her shoulder-mounted %s`5 leaps at you.", $lcanimal);
if ($session['user']['turns'] > 0) {
output("In fending it off, you lose some energy.");
$msg = "`^You lose a forest fight!";
} else {
output("In fending it off, you get a nasty scratch along one side of your face.");
$msg = "`^You lose a charm point!";
if ($session['user']['charm'] > 0)
output("Finally it hops back in its basket and all is quiet.");
output("Crazy Audrey cackles quietly and looks at you.`n`n");
if ($op == "run" || $op=="play") {
if ($type == "forest") {
$session['user']['specialinc'] = "";
function crazyaudrey_run(){
global $session;
$op = httpget('op');
if ($op=="pet"){
page_header("Crazy Audrey's Zoo");
$cost = get_module_setting("cost");
$animal = get_module_setting("animal");
$lcanimal = get_module_setting("lanimal");
$plural = get_module_setting("animals");
$lcplural = get_module_setting("lanimals");
$profit = get_module_setting("profit");
output("`5You cautiously approach Crazy Audrey.");
output("Next to her is a sign that reads, \"`#%s gold to pet %s`#,`5\" and a basket filled with `^%s`5 gold!",$cost,$lcplural,$profit);
if ($session['user']['gold']>=$cost){
output("You place your `^%s`5 gold in the basket, and spend a few minutes petting one of the %s`5.", $cost, $lcplural);
output("Soon though, Crazy Audrey chases you off, and you stand at a distance admiring the %s`5.",$lcplural);
debuglog("spent $cost gold to pet audrey's pets");
$profit += $cost;
$buffname = get_module_setting("buffname");
apply_buff('crazyaudrey',array("name"=>$buffname,"rounds"=>5,"activate"=>"defense","defmod"=>1.05, "schema"=>"module-crazyaudrey"));
output("`5After a few minutes, you once again try to approach in order to look into her baskets.");
if (get_module_pref("played")==0) {
addnav("Look at Crazy Audrey's baskets","runmodule.php?module=crazyaudrey&op=baskets");
} else {
output("`5As you approach closer, Crazy Audrey looks up and screams at you. \"`%Hey!! I recognize you! You've already played with my %s`% today! Get away from here, you pervy %s`% fancier!`5\"", $lcplural, $lcanimal);
output("You quickly step back and admire the %s`5 from a safe distance.", $lcplural);
output("Not having `^%s`5 gold, you wander sadly away.",$cost);
}elseif ($op=="baskets" || $op == "play" || $op == "run"){
page_header("Crazy Audrey");
if ($op != "baskets") {